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Meet The Team & Contact Us

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To contact the Development Office Team, please use the emails and phone numbers provided below.

Privacy Notice, Complaints, Cookie Information, Accessibility Statement

Privacy Notice, Complaints, Cookie Information, Accessibility Statement

The Shrewsbury School Foundation was established by Trust Deed in 1965, making it one of the oldest school development offices in the UK. It supports the School’s development objectives, organises events and activities and administers donations. The Foundation focuses on relationships with potential and existing donors and both paper and computer records are kept.

The privacy and security of the data we hold on our alumni, parents and friends is important. The statement below provides information on how the Foundation handles and uses the data it collects.


Records are used by the Foundation to organise events, to promote the School and for fundraising purposes. These activities include sending publications (such as the Annual Giving Report), appeals and the marketing of events. To ensure that the ways in which we communicate with you are relevant and in line with your chosen communication preferences we can communicate with you by post, electronic means and by telephone; please do get in touch with us to let us know your preferences.

Most of the information that we hold will have been obtained directly from you. However, we may collect additional information from publicly available sources, including, but not limited to information about family, financial and personal information. This will help us to ensure that our communications are relevant to you and your interests. It is important to us that you are included in all activities and events that our research helps us understand what you may be interested in. Research also enables us to improve our knowledge of our supporters and to make appropriate requests for support, including financial support.

Security and Controlled Data-Sharing with Partners

All personal data is held and transmitted securely and (in addition to disclosure as permitted or required by law) may be disclosed on a considered and confidential basis to employees of the School, Trustees of the Foundation and selected third parties who may provide services (such as the mailing of the Annual Report). They will not store your information any longer than is necessary and are not permitted to share your data.


If you have any queries or wish to restrict data processing or sharing, including use for fundraising, please inform us at
Shrewsbury School Foundation, The Schools, Shrewsbury SY3 7BA
tel: 01743 280889
email: [email protected].

Please note that we will retain some information in order to ensure that we do not inadvertently contact you again in the future.  We keep our privacy and data protection policy under review and any changes we make will be published on our website and can be made available in printed form on request.

Data protection legislation and regulations require us to check your preference about marketing by electronic means (i.e. email and SMS messages).  We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information and will never sell or share your personal information with any third parties for marketing purposes.  If you do NOT wish to receive electronic communications from the Shrewsbury School Foundation please contact us at Shrewsbury School Foundation, The Schools, Shrewsbury, SY3 7BA, email [email protected] or telephone 01743 280889. 


Registered Charity No. 528415