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Shrewsbury School ISI Reports

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"Empathy, patience and selflessness are embedded throughout the school community." - ISI Inspection Report 2024

We are delighted to share with you below the latest Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) inspection report for Shrewsbury School. All standards were met and exceeded, and our commitment to excellence in whole-person education and pupil wellbeing was recognised.

I am particularly thrilled that Shrewsbury was awarded the very rare accolade of ‘a significant strength’ for our Partnership and Community Engagement (PCE). The inspectors praised “the extent and sustained nature of pupils’ contribution to external communities” and found that “pupils are kind and recognise the value of service to others”. I can think of no higher educational aim than this.

There are numerous positive comments on the affirmative attitudes and efforts of the pupils; the dedicated work of our teaching and support staff; the supportive and analytical governance; and the vibrant, inclusive culture of the School.

The report highlights our dedication to providing an environment where each pupil is valued and supported, showcasing our diverse curriculum, and a distinctive sense of a 24-7 community.

Our focus on individualised support and listening to our pupils’ voices ensures that we continuously evolve to meet their needs.

I am proud of the achievements outlined in the report and grateful to our staff, students and families for their unwavering dedication and commitment to the ‘serious fun’ of The Salopian Way.

Leo Winkley

Our Significant Strength

Shrewsbury is one of just a few independent schools that has been awarded the accolade of ‘significant strength’ by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). They recognised the depth and range of our Partnership and Community Engagement (PCE) programme.

ISI Key Findings as a ‘significant strength’ on PCE:

  • “The extent and sustained nature of pupils’ contribution to external communities through the school’s partnership and community engagement programme is a significant strength.”
  • Pupils are kind and recognise the value of service to others. They are supportive in the boarding houses and appreciate the positive impact that those of different national and cultural backgrounds have on the school.”
  • “Pupils develop a convincing belief in the value of service.”
  • The school’s community involvement programme results in pupils developing skills while improving their understanding of economic disparity, and the importance of community. Through participation, which involves all pupils in the school, pupils learn from their active involvement in the programme, for example how to deal with tricky situations and the importance of safe spaces during childhood.”
  • Leaders have thought carefully about the wide range of partnership activities in which Shrewsbury pupils are engaged through the programme. As a result, pupils demonstrate and learn from, for example, supporting refugee children with homework, organising art, dance and sporting events and running classes in science and music.”
  • “Leaders take an inclusive approach, with all pupils involved so that the skills development opportunities, such as empathy, patience and selflessness, are embedded throughout the school community.”

We enjoyed working with Shrewsbury School, nothing was too much trouble and there was a lovely atmosphere. The highlight of the day was watching the pupils interact with the older people, ensuring they had a wonderful time. Emma Wilde, Manager of Wellbeing Services for Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin

The Shrewsbury Distinction:

  • In 2020, Shrewsbury School received the award for Community Outreach at the Independent School of the Year Award. The school was recognised for the positive impact and contributions its pupils and staff have made by working with and supporting communities.
  • In 2022, Shrewsbury’s Partnership and Community work was recognised by being highlighted as ‘Best for Philanthropy’ in The Week’s Independent School Guide 2022.
  • 1,250+ hours worked at The Shewsy, Youth Club.
  • £150,000 raised for charities by Salopians in 2024.
  • More than 4000 children from Alpha Academies Trust in Stoke-on-Trent have taken part in activities hosted by Shrewsbury School teachers.

Shrewsbury’s connection with different charities has influenced me to be involved in that line of work, and it has inspired me to go on to work with a charity after School. Annabel, Old Salopian

My experience at (Refugee) Homework Club has provided me with valuable insights into teaching and learning, and it has also shown me how important it is to help others. I was able to share my knowledge and support others in their studies. Grace, Lower Sixth Form

Please see below our recent inspection reports:

ISI Focused Compliance Inspection and Educational Quality Inspection 2017

Two inspections were carried out by the Independent Schools Inspectorate from 28th February – 2nd March 2017. The process was part of a new ‘no notice’ inspection format, which meant that the School was informed of the inspection 24 hours before it began.

The first inspection was a Focused Compliance Inspection, which concluded that the School is fully compliant in all respects with the highly rigorous regulations and boarding standards.

The second was an Educational Quality Inspection, which reports on the quality of the School’s work. It focuses on two key outcomes: “the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements” and “the quality of pupils’ personal development”.  In both cases, the School was assessed as “excellent”, the highest available category.

A team of five inspectors observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of pupils’ work. They held discussions with members of staff and with the Deputy Chair of Governors, observed a sample of the extra-curricular activities that occurred during the inspection period and attended house meetings. Inspectors visited boarding houses together with the learning support and education resource areas. The responses of parents and pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed, and the inspectors examined curriculum and other documentation made available by the School.

To download the full reports, please click on the links below:

ISI Interim Inspection Report on Boarding Welfare 2014

Shrewsbury School is fully compliant and meets all the Boarding Minimum Standards

An interim inspection of boarding welfare at the School was carried out by the Independent Schools Inspectorate from 11th - 13th November 2014.  As was to be expected, the inspection was rigorous and thorough.The inspectors conducted formal interviews with boarders, held discussions with senior members of staff and with the Chair of Governors, observed a sample of activities that occurred during the inspections period and attended registration sessions. Inspectors visited each of the boarding houses and the facilities for sick or injured pupils. The reponses of parents and boarding pupils to pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed, and the inspectors also examined regulatory documentation made available by the School.

They concluded that the School is fully compliant and meets all the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools 2013.

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