
Shrewsbury has a whole range of thriving clubs and societies, giving pupils the opportunity to further their interests or to discover completely new ones.
Over and above the various outdoor pursuits, sports, music and drama activities, most academic faculties run their own societies, and their meetings often welcome distinguished academics who are leaders in their field and are happy to come to Shrewsbury - The Geographical Association is one such example.
The Societies Fair is held at the beginning of each academic year, and gives new pupils the opportunity to find out for themselves all that is on offer.
Our comprehensive range of societies on offer range from the academic to the more hobby-based options but all are designed to interest, challenge and engage pupils. The vast majority of these meet weekly and a schedule of times is made available to boys and girls at the outset of any term.
A Societies Fair is held at the start of term to allow societies to showcase themselves and to assist in choices. Pupils in the Third and Fourth Forms are expected to sign up for at least ONE society – though of course they can do more.
Find out more about just a small selection of societies on offer at Shrewsbury by clicking on the images below while a full list can be found beneath the cards.
Full List of Societies
- Art Club
- Bastille Society
- Beekeeping Society
- Board Games Club
- Christian Forum
- Coding Club
- Darwin Society
- Debating Society
- Eco Committee
- French Society
- Gardening for Wildlife
- Junior Darwin Society
- Junior French Society
- Junior Spanish Society
- Mindfulness Society
- Model Railway Society
- Model United Nations (MUN)
- Musical Theatre
- Natural History Society
- Pride
- Quizzing Society
- Royal Shrewsbury School Shooting Club
- Sidney Society
- Storytelling
- Technical Theatre
- Typing