Health and Wellbeing

Wellbeing at Shrewsbury School is built on an active, fun and stimulating lifestyle. Everything in our pupils’ lives has a sense of meaning and purpose.
Pupils should understand the benefits of healthy relationships to their mental wellbeing and self-respect. The full boarding environment helps individuals feel connected to others, be more creative and feel a sense of accomplishment. From our foundation fortnight until our final farewell, pupils should gain the knowledge of what a healthy relationship is like and be empowered to identify when relationships are unhealthy.
The ethos of Shrewsbury School is underpinned by a wider, deliberate cultivation and practice of resilience and character in the individual through an understanding of the importance of self-respect and self-worth. For more information about Shrewsbury School's Policies, please click on the link below.
School Policies
Tools for life
We strive to teach pupils that unhealthy relationships can have a lasting, negative impact on mental wellbeing through our Personal and Social Development lessons, pastoral care, tutor periods and talks. We aspire to give young people the support they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds for life.
It remains important to ensure that pupils are equipped to make safe, informed and healthy choices as they progress through adult life in a non-judgemental, factual way and allow scope for pupils to ask questions in a safe environment.
Our aim is for pupils to be well informed about the full range of perspectives and well equipped to make decisions for themselves about how to live their own lives, whilst respecting the right of others to make their own decisions and hold their own beliefs.
There are many ways in which life at Shrewsbury School supports the development of pupils; from providing planned opportunities for young people to undertake in active citizenship in the wider community, to a varied and inclusive house life.
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House Affinity
Pupils are given pastoral support from a breadth of peers and staff to gain self-knowledge, empathy and the skills to cope with life’s ups and downs. Our special house communities forge lifelong relationships and healthy habits of mind. We all support each other in developing the whole person.
The rigours of our academic and co-curricular programme lead to self-determination, a strong sense of engagement and experiencing positive emotions.
As pupils mature and build their confidence and self-esteem they will develop cultural passions, find strengths in individual or team sports, bond with the outdoors and engage with community projects. They will participate with others from their own house, their year group or the wider school and go through a range of emotions, successes and deal with setbacks.