
“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.”
Our educational model, Floreat, is rooted in a tradition that goes all the way back to the philosophy of Aristotle and finds a unique and distinctive expression at Shrewsbury School. Our whole person education fosters learning and personal development in four vital and mutually reinforcing fields:
Whole person education occurs inside the classroom and beyond it. All activities are designed to develop skills and aptitudes within and across these four fields.
Futures at Shrewsbury
Our Futures Department, finalists in the Independent School of the Year Awards 2022, work as part of the whole school team, supported by the Salopian Club, to provide the best possible advice to pupils on course choices, universities, work experience and co-curricular activities.
Life at Shrewsbury extends far beyond our historic gates as Old Salopians also benefit from access to support from the Department wherever they are, at every stage on their career path.
Through our unique model of education each boy and girl is given opportunities to lead and work in teams, to collaborate, to solve problems and to value creativity, enterprise and innovation. In this way, we nurture, develop and champion the individual characters of the youngsters in our care.
As well as developing as individuals, we encourage each pupil to share in, and contribute to, the flourishing of the School and the wider world for life.