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Teaching Staff

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Shrewsbury Teaching Staff Directory

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Listed by alphabetical order and by academic faculty

Heads of Faculties are shown in bold. Staff are listed in alphabetical order by surname.



  • Roxanne Adams (RWA, Business, Politics) B.Ec., B.Ed., University of Tasmania, Australia
  • Grace Ansell (GA, Head of English as an Additional Language (EAL), Chinese) M.A. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; Cert. (ES) TESOL, The College of Teachers, Cheshire
  • Jerome Armstrong (JCA, Maths) M.A., late Scholar of St John’s College, Oxford
  • Rose Arrol (RFA, English as an Additional Language (EAL)) B.A., Wolverhampton




  • George Bandy (GGB, English) M.A., Birmingham
  • Matthew Barrett (MWDB, Economics, Business Studies, Housemaster) B.Sc., Aston University; M.A., Middlesex University
  • Richard Barrett (RB, Physics, Safeguarding Team) M.Sc., Ph.D., Birmingham
  • Mrs Alice Baxendale (ALB, English) MA, Edinburgh MA, Northumbria
  • Luke Baxendale (LB, History) B.A, Sheffield
  • Giles Bell (GJFB, Philosophy & Theology, Senior Admissions Tutor) B.A., St Chad's College, Durham 
  • Henry Bennett (HOMB, Philosophy and Theology, i/c Tennis) M.A., Collingwood College, Durham
  • Morgan Bird (MCB, Philosophy & Theology, Housemaster) B.A, University of Nottingham
  • Kevin Brennan (KJB, Senior Deputy Head, Physical Education) B.Sc., Brunel; M.Sc. Linacre College, Oxford
  • Andrew Briggs (ADB, Head of Science, Head of Chemistry) B.Sc., Ph.D., University of Newcastle, M.R.S.C., A.C.I.E.A.
  • Alex Brogan (ATB, Head of Mathematics) BSc Lancaster
  • Helen Brown (HRB, Deputy Head Co-Curricular, Director of Drama) M.A. Merton College, Oxford; Ph.D., University of York, F.T.C.L. 


  • Richard Case (RAJC, Biology, Housemaster) B.Sc., University of Leeds; Ph.D., University of Hull
  • Ceri-Lyn Cissone Hunter (CLC, Drama) B.A., Guildhall; PgDip, Royal Academy of Music
  • Matthew Clark (MDHC, Classics, Sixth Form Admissions Tutor) M.A., Balliol College, Oxford
  • Chris Cook (CEC, History, i/c of Rugby) M.A., University of Wales, Cardiff
  • Seb Cooley (SKPC, Maths, Physics) MEng., University of Warwick
  • Louisa Corcoran (LAEC, Politics, History) B.A., University of Bristol
  • Stuart Cowper (SHC, Spanish, French, Head of Partnership & Community Engagement) M.A., Christ Church, Oxford
  • Martin Cropper (MC, Senior Master & Director of Admissions, Maths) M.A., The Queen’s College, Oxford
  • Aislinn Currie-Jordan (ARCJ, Biology) M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Liverpool


  • Laura Dale (LXD, Chemistry) B.Sc Birmingham
  • Nick David (NPD, Business Studies, Economics, Director of Activities) B.Sc., M.R.I.C.S., University of the West of England
  • Gwenan Davies (GMD, Head of Girls' Cricket) B.Sc., University of Loughborough
  • Jenny Davies (JD, Maths) B.Sc., Loughborough University
  • Emma Davis (EJD, Head of Physical Education, Safeguarding Team) B.A., St Mary's Twickenham - Maternity Leave
  • Brian Degalet (bdegalet, French Assistant) BA, Artois
  • Adam Duncan (ARD, Economics, Housemaster) B.A., University of Exeter


  • Mark Elliot (MSE, Head of Astronomy & EPQ, Physics) M.A., Peterhouse, Cambridge; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, C.Phys., M.Inst.P.
  • Cathy English (CE, Learning Support) B.A., Edge Hill University
  • Rhodri Evans (RFE, Geography) B.Sc. University of Loughborough 
  • Henry Exham (HSME, Biology, Head of Digital Learning, Housemaster) B.Sc., University of Bristol


  • Henry Farmer (HPF, Modern Languages, Head of Pupil Welfare (PSD), Safeguarding Team) B.A., University of Liverpool
  • Paul Fitzgerald (PGF, Head of Classics) M.A., Brasenose College, Oxford
  • Tom Folker (tfolker, Head of Adventure)
  • James Fraser-Andrews (JRFA, English) M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; M.Mus., University of London


  • Jarrod Gabbitas (JAG, Art) B.A., University of Birmingham; M.A., University of Sussex
  • Hannah Gale (HLG, Chemistry) B.Sc., University of Leeds
  • Victoria Recio Garcia (VRG, Modern Languages) BA, Valladolid
  • Emily Gibbons (EAG, Art, Photography) BA, Manchester (On Maternity)
  • Sam Griffiths (SCG, History, Politics, Housemaster) M.Sc. University of Edinburgh 


  • Martin Hansen (MHH, Maths) B.Sc., Heriot-Watt University; B.A., Open University
  • Myles Harding (MJH, Economics and Business Studies) B.A., Nottingham University, A.C.A., 
  • Georgina Hartley (ghartley, Graduate Sports Coach) BSc, Cardiff
  • Ian Haworth (IPH, History) M.A., Manchester University
  • Tom Heath (TPH, Maths) M.Sc., Hertford College, Oxford; B.Sc. Bristol University
  • Emma Hellyer (EJH, Philosophy & Theology, Head of Teaching and Learning) MA Worcester College, Oxford; M.A. University College, London
  • Liam Hennessy (LH, Assistant Director of Sport) B.A., Liverpool John Moores
  • Will Hughes (WAH, P.E., Master i/c Cricket) B.A., University of Northumbria
  • Athol Hundermark (ATH, Geography) B.Sc., Rhodes University, South Africa


  • Ívan Jose López Iglesias (ILI, Spanish Fellow) B.A., (Cádiz, Spain) M.A., (Jaén, Spain)


  • Marcus Johnson (MDBJ, Maths, Head of Pupil Behaviour) B.A., University of the West of England
  • Sophie Jones (SJ, Physical Education) BSc, Sheffield Hallam
  • David Joyce (DMJ, Music) Dip.R.C.M., A.R.C.M., Royal College of Music


  • Paul Kaye (PAK, Head of ICT & Computing) B.Eng., University of Bristol
  • Colm Kealy (CWK, Head of Business) B.Comm., University College, Dublin
  • James Kellas (jkellas, Lead Accompanist) BA, Pembroke College, Oxford, MPerf, Guildhall
  • Revd Andy Keulemans (AK, Chaplain, Philosophy & Theology) B.Sc, University of Aberystwyth; B.Th., University of Nottingham 
  • Victoria Kirk (VLK, Chemistry) B.Sc., University of Nottingham
  • Jason Knowles (JKnowles, Graduate Sports Coach) BA, University of the Witwatersrand
  • Mascha von Kuk (MVK, Modern Languages) MA, Regensburg
  • Dr. Richard Kowenicki (RAK, Deputy Head Academic, Chemistry) M.Sci., Ph.D. Trinity Hall, Cambridge


  • Sarah Latcham (SGL, Classics) B.A., University College, London 
  • Kristina Leslie (KL, Head of English) B.A., University of Birmingham 
  • Amy Livingstone (AHL, Deputy Head of Learning Support) M.A., University of Edinburgh; R.S.A.
  • Kevin Lloyd (KML, Design & Technology) B.A. Loughborough University, M.A. Central Saint Martin's College of Art & Design
  • Rachel Lloyd (REL, Art Fellow) BA, Norwich
  • Jeremy Lucas (JVL, Mathematics, Head of Third Form) LL.B., University of Manchester; B.Sc., Open University
  • Ellena Lyell (ECL, Philosophy & Theology, i/c Girls' Football) B.A. MRes PhD, Nottingham



  • Ross le Maître (rlemaitre, Graduate Sports Coach) BA, Pretoria
  • Jackie Matthews (JAM, Biology) B.Sc., University of Reading 
  • Dr. Frazer Matthews-Bird (FMB, Head of Geography) B.Sc. University of Liverpool; Ph.D., Open University
  • Grace McGee (GLJM, Classics) BA, Regent's Park College, Oxford
  • Maria McKenzie (MLM, Director of Music) B.Mus. Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, M.Mus.(Perf) Royal Northern College of Music. L.T.C.L.
  • Paul Merricks-Murgatroyd (PAMM, Head of Economics) B.A., University of Newcastle
  • Emma Micklewright (EDM, Biology) B.A., The Queen’s College, Oxford; M.A., University of Sheffield
  • Karen Mitchell (KVM, Head of Learning Support) M.A. (Sp.L.D), Edge Hill University, Dip. Ed. (Sp.L.D.), A.P.C.
  • Rebecca Moreno (RBM, Head of French) B.A., Somerville College, Oxford (On Maternity)
  • Torin Morgan (TSM, Head of Biology) B.Sc., University of Exeter; Ph.D., University of Southampton
  • Hannah Morrey (HJM, English) MLitt Newcastle
  • Adam Morris (APM, Spanish) B.A., University of Aberystwyth
  • Daisy Morse (DM, English) B.A., York
  • Andrew Murray (AXM, Chemistry) B.Sc., Liverpool Hope University
  • Gail Murray (GEM, Learning Support) B.Sc., Southampton University, PGCert.SpLD, AMDBA, APC
  • George Muston (GLM, Humanities Fellow) MA, Exeter





  • Charles Oakley (CWO, Maths, Head of Academic Administration) M.Math., D.Phil., late Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford


  • Jane Pattenden (JLP, Physics) M.A., D.Phil., St Hilda’s College, Oxford
  • Paul Pattenden (PP, Physics, Head of Elite University Application) M.A., D.Phil., C. Phys,. M.Inst.P., St John's College, Oxford
  • Ian Payne (IWP, Maths) B.Sc, King's College London; M.A. Kingston
  • Anna Peak (ARP, Deputy Head (Pastoral), Geography, Designated Safeguarding Lead) B.A. University of Exeter
  • Sally Pearson (SEP, English, Safeguarding Team, Housemistress) B.A., York, M.A., University College, London
  • Ana Pedraza (APR, Head of Spanish) M.A., University of Madrid
  • Andrew Pembleton (ASP, Director of Sport, Acting Head of PE) B.Sc., Loughborough University
  • Toby Percival (TPP, Classics, Head of Higher Education) M.A., late scholar of St Cuthbert’s Society, University of Durham
  • Nicola Perkins (NJP, Head of Design and Technology) B.Sc., Sheffield Hallam University
  • Edward Phillips (EAJP, English, Housemaster) M.A., Edinburgh
  • Heidi Pook (HEP, Learning Support) B.A., Liverpool University, OCR Dip SpLD
  • Dimitri Portier (DP, French, Head of Sixth Form) M.A., D.E.A., University of Bordeaux
  • Naomi Pritchard (NMP, Business Studies, Admissions Tutor) B.A., University of the West of England, P.G.Dip


  • Michael Raven (MJR, Geography) BA, College of St Hild & St Bede, Durham MSc, East Anglia
  • Ian Reade (ICR, Drama) B.A., Kent
  • William Reynolds (WRR, Design & Technology, Housemaster) B.Sc., Sheffield Hallam University
  • Jessica Roach (jroach, Performance Analyst) BSc, Hartpury MSc, Chester
  • Richard Robbins (RRCR Head of Choral Music) BMus, Royal Holloway MA, Royal Academy of Music LRAM
  • Mark Roberts (DMR, Mathematics & Computing) B.Sc, M.Ed., Open University
  • Peter Rudge (PJBR, Head of History & Politics) B.A., Van Mildert College, Durham, B.A., Hughes Hall, Cambridge


  • Mark Schofield (MS, Chemistry) B.Sc., University of Liverpool
  • Adam Shantry (ajshantry, Cricket Professional) P.G.Dip. (University of Gloucestershire)
  • Samantha Shantry (SLMS, Maths) B.Sc., University of Cardiff 
  • Chris Shelley (cshelley, Music, Music Technology) B.A., Open University, H.N.C., Minst.A.M. (Dip)
  • William Simper (WMS, Biology) B.Sc., University of Reading
  • Mike Skipper (MSS, Head of Academic Music) B.Mus., Rhodes University, South Africa
  • Adam Smiter (AS, Head of Science Outreach, Physics) M.Sci., University of Nottingham
  • Amy Smiter (AES, Head of Physics) M.Sci., University of Nottingham
  • Greg Smith (GPS, Geography) B.A., College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham
  • Matthew Spencer (MDS, Mathematics, Physics) BSc, Loughborough MA, Wolverhampton
  • Sian Stanhope (sstanhope, Head of Dance)
  • Rebecca Stockburn (RJS, French Assistant) B.A., Aberystwyth


  • Lauren Temple (LRT, English, Housemistress) B.A., Worcester College, Oxford
  • Frank Tickner (FWT, English, i/c of Hunt) B.A., Birmingham
  • Mike Tonks (MJT, Head of Philosophy & Theology, Head of Guardianship and International Family Liaison) B.A., University of Newcastle
  • Jonathan Turney (JMT, Biology) MA St Peter’s College, Oxford
  • Jack Twigger (jtwigger, Lead Strength and Conditioning Coach) MSc, Wolverhampton


  • Thane Warburg (Modern Languages) M.A., Downing College, Cambridge
  • Nicholas Welch (NJW, Maths) B.Sc., University of Warwick
  • Tim Whitehead (TCW, French, Head of Modern Languages) B.A., University College, London
  • Stephen Wilderspin (SPW, Physical Education, i/c Football) B.Ed., De Montford University
  • Sara Williams (SEW, Chemistry, Head of Middle School) M.Chem., University of Bradford
  • Clare Wilson (CHLW, Philosophy & Theology, Housemistress) B.A. Collingwood College, Durham
  • Rob Wilson (RMW, Maths) M.Eng., M.A. Collingwood College, Durham
  • Leo Winkley (Headmaster) M.A., Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; M.Ed., P.G. Cert. Bus. Admin., Open University
  • Isabella Winkley (IAW, History of Art, Philosophy & Theology) BA, Nottingham MA, Sussex
  • Rachael Witcombe (RW, Design & Technology) B.Sc. Nottingham Trent University
  • Grace Woo (GYYW, Chemistry) M.Sc., Imperial College, London
  • Cordula Wordie (CIUW, German Assistant) T.E.F.L., University of Münster; A.C.E.S., University of Edinburgh 
  • David Wray (DMW, Chemistry, Head of Science Outreach) M.A., St John's College, Oxford
  • John Wright (JJCW, Geography; Housemaster) B.Sc., University of Bristol
  • Anita Wyatt (Art, Housemistress) B.A., Birmingham City University


  • Richard Yardley (RGY,  Head of German,  Modern Languages) B.A., Exeter, MEd Homerton College, Cambridge


  • Nick Zafar (NNZ, Economics) B.A., Birmingham City; M.A., University of Warwick



  • Lucy Caddel (LAC, Head of Art) B.A. University of Newcastle
  • Jarrod Gabbitas (JAG, Art) B.A., University of Birmingham; M.A., University of Sussex
  • Emily Gibbons (EAG, Art, Photography) BA, Manchester
  • Rachel Lloyd (REL, Art Fellow) BA, Norwich
  • Isabella Winkley (IAW, History of Art, Philosophy & Theology) BA, Nottingham MA, Sussex
  • Anita Wyatt (Art, Housemistress) B.A., Birmingham City University


  • Mark Elliot (MSE, Head of Astronomy & EPQ, Physics) M.A., Peterhouse, Cambridge; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, C.Phys., M.Inst.P.


  • Richard Case (RAJC, Biology, Housemaster) B.Sc., University of Leeds; Ph.D., University of Hull
  • Aislinn Currie-Jordan (ARCJ, Biology) M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Liverpool
  • Henry Exham (HSME, Biology, Head of Digital Learning, Housemaster) B.Sc., University of Bristol
  • Jackie Matthews (JAM, Biology) B.Sc., University of Reading 
  • Emma Micklewright (EDM, Biology) B.A., The Queen’s College, Oxford; M.A., University of Sheffield
  • Torin Morgan (TSM, Head of Biology) B.Sc., University of Exeter; Ph.D., University of Southampton
  • William Simper (WMS, Biology) B.Sc., University of Reading
  • Jonathan Turney (JMT, Biology) MA St Peter’s College, Oxford


  • Roxanne Adams (RWA, Business, Politics) B.Ec., B.Ed., University of Tasmania, Australia
  • Matthew Barrett (MWDB, Economics, Business Studies, Housemaster) B.Sc., Aston University; M.A., Middlesex University
  • Nick David (NPD, Business Studies, Economics, Director of Activities) B.Sc., M.R.I.C.S., University of the West of England
  • Myles Harding (MJH, Economics and Business Studies) B.A., Nottingham University, A.C.A., 
  • Colm Kealy (CWK, Head of Business) B.Comm., University College, Dublin
  • Naomi Pritchard (NMP, Business Studies, Admissions Tutor) B.A., University of the West of England, P.G.Dip


  • Andrew Briggs (ADB, Head of Science, Head of Chemistry) B.Sc., Ph.D., University of Newcastle, M.R.S.C., A.C.I.E.A.
  • Laura Dale (LXD, Chemistry) B.Sc Birmingham
  • Hannah Gale (HLG, Chemistry) B.Sc., University of Leeds
  • Dr. Richard Kowenicki (RAK, Deputy Head Academic, Chemistry) M.Sci., Ph.D. Trinity Hall, Cambridge
  • Victoria Kirk (VLK, Chemistry) B.Sc., University of Nottingham
  • Andrew Murray (AXM, Chemistry) B.Sc., Liverpool Hope University
  • Mark Schofield (MS, Chemistry) B.Sc., University of Liverpool
  • Sara Williams (SEW, Chemistry, Head of Middle School) M.Chem., University of Bradford
  • Grace Woo (GYYW, Chemistry) M.Sc., Imperial College, London
  • David Wray (DMW, Chemistry, Head of Science Outreach) M.A., St John's College, Oxford


  • Matthew Clark (MDHC, Classics, Sixth Form Admissions Tutor) M.A., Balliol College, Oxford
  • Paul Fitzgerald (PGF, Head of Classics) M.A., Brasenose College, Oxford
  • Sarah Latcham (SGL, Classics) B.A., University College, London 
  • Grace McGee (GLJM, Classics) BA, Regent's Park College, Oxford
  • Toby Percival (TPP, Classics, Head of Higher Education) M.A., late scholar of St Cuthbert’s Society, University of Durham


  • Paul Kaye (PAK, Head of ICT & Computing) B.Eng., University of Bristol
  • Mark Roberts (DMR, Mathematics & Computing) B.Sc, M.Ed., Open University
Design and Technology

Design and Technology

  • Kevin Lloyd (KML, Design & Technology) B.A. Loughborough University, M.A. Central Saint Martin's College of Art & Design
  • Nicola Perkins (NJP, Head of Design and Technology) B.Sc., Sheffield Hallam University
  • William Reynolds (WRR, Design & Technology, Housemaster) B.Sc., Sheffield Hallam University
  • Rachael Witcombe (RW, Design & Technology) B.Sc. Nottingham Trent University


  • Helen Brown (HRB, Deputy Head Co-Curricular, Director of Drama) M.A. Merton College, Oxford; Ph.D., University of York, F.T.C.L. 
  • Ceri-Lyn Cissone Hunter (CLC, Drama) B.A., Guildhall; PgDip, Royal Academy of Music
  • Ian Reade (ICR, Drama) B.A., Kent


  • Roxanne Adams (RWA, Business, Politics) B.Ec., B.Ed., University of Tasmania, Australia
  • Matthew Barrett (MWDB, Economics, Business Studies, Housemaster) B.Sc., Aston University; M.A., Middlesex University
  • Adam Duncan (ARD, Economics, Housemaster) B.A., University of Exeter
  • Myles Harding (MJH, Economics and Business Studies) B.A., Nottingham University, A.C.A., 
  • Paul Merricks-Murgatroyd (PAMM, Head of Economics) B.A., University of Newcastle
  • Nick Zafar (NNZ, Economics) B.A., Birmingham City; M.A., University of Warwick


  • George Bandy (GGB, English) M.A., Birmingham
  • Mrs Alice Baxendale (ALB, English) MA, Edinburgh MA, Northumbria
  • Kristina Leslie (KL, Head of English) B.A., University of Birmingham 
  • Daisy Morse (DM, English) B.A., York
  • Sally Pearson (SEP, English, Safeguarding Team, Housemistress) B.A., York, M.A., University College, London
  • Edward Phillips (EAJP, English, Housemaster) M.A., Edinburgh
  • Lauren Temple (LRT, English, Housemistress) B.A., Worcester College, Oxford
  • Frank Tickner (FWT, English, i/c of Hunt) B.A., Birmingham


  • Grace Ansell (GA, Head of English as an Additional Language (EAL), Chinese) M.A. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan; Cert. (ES) TESOL, The College of Teachers, Cheshire
  • Rose Arrol (RFA, English as an Additional Language (EAL)) B.A., Wolverhampton


  • Henry Farmer (HPF, Modern Languages, Head of Pupil Welfare (PSD), Safeguarding Team) B.A., University of Liverpool
  • Rebecca Moreno (RBM, Head of French) B.A., Somerville College, Oxford
  • Adam Morris (APM, Spanish) B.A., University of Aberystwyth
  • Dimitri Portier (DP, French, Head of Sixth Form) M.A., D.E.A., University of Bordeaux
  • Rebecca Stockburn (RJS, French Assistant) B.A., Aberystwyth
  • Tim Whitehead (TCW, French, Head of Modern Languages) B.A., University College, London
  • Richard Yardley (RGY,  Head of German,  Modern Languages) B.A., Exeter, MEd Homerton College, Cambridge


  • Rhodri Evans (RFE, Geography) B.Sc. University of Loughborough 
  • Dr. Frazer Matthews-Bird (FMB, Head of Geography) B.Sc. University of Liverpool; Ph.D., Open University
  • Athol Hundermark (ATH, Geography) B.Sc., Rhodes University, South Africa
  • Anna Peak (ARP, Deputy Head (Pastoral), Geography, Designated Safeguarding Lead) B.A. University of Exeter
  • Michael Raven (MJR, Geography) BA, College of St Hild & St Bede, Durham MSc, East Anglia
  • Greg Smith (GPS, Geography) B.A., College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham
  • John Wright (JJCW, Geography; Housemaster) B.Sc., University of Bristol


  • Henry Farmer (HPF, Modern Languages, Head of Pupil Welfare (PSD), Safeguarding Team) B.A., University of Liverpool
  • Victoria Recio Garcia (VRG, Modern Languages) BA, Valladolid
  • Adam Morris (APM, Spanish) B.A., University of Aberystwyth
  • Mascha von Kuk (MVK, Modern Languages) MA, Regensburg
  • Richard Yardley (RGY,  Head of German,  Modern Languages) B.A., Exeter, MEd Homerton College, Cambridge


  • Luke Baxendale (LB, History) B.A, Sheffield
  • Chris Cook (CEC, History, i/c of Rugby) M.A., University of Wales, Cardiff
  • Louisa Corcoran (LAEC, Politics, History) B.A., University of Bristol
  • Sam Griffiths (SCG, History, Politics, Housemaster) M.Sc. University of Edinburgh 
  • Ian Haworth (IPH, History) M.A., Manchester University
  • George Muston (GLM, Humanities Fellow) MA, Exeter
  • Peter Rudge (PJBR, Head of History & Politics) B.A., Van Mildert College, Durham, B.A., Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Learning Support

Learning Support

  • Cathy English (CE, Learning Support) B.A., Edge Hill University
  • Amy Livingstone (AHL, Deputy Head of Learning Support) M.A., University of Edinburgh; R.S.A.
  • Karen Mitchell (KVM, Head of Learning Support) M.A. (Sp.L.D), Edge Hill University, Dip. Ed. (Sp.L.D.), A.P.C.
  • Gail Murray (GEM, Learning Support) B.Sc., Southampton University, PGCert.SpLD, AMDBA, APC
  • Heidi Pook (HEP, Learning Support) B.A., Liverpool University, OCR Dip SpLD


  • Jerome Armstrong (JCA, Maths) M.A., late Scholar of St John’s College, Oxford
  • Matthew Barrett (MWDB, Economics, Business Studies, Housemaster) B.Sc., Aston University; M.A., Middlesex University
  • Alex Brogan (ATB, Head of Mathematics) BSc Lancaster
  • Martin Cropper (MC, Senior Master & Director of Admissions, Maths) M.A., The Queen’s College, Oxford
  • Jenny Davies (JD, Maths) B.Sc., Loughborough University
  • Martin Hansen (MHH, Maths) B.Sc., Heriot-Watt University; B.A., Open University
  • Tom Heath (TPH, Maths) M.Sc., Hertford College, Oxford; B.Sc. Bristol University
  • Marcus Johnson (MDBJ, Maths, Head of Pupil Behaviour) B.A., University of the West of England
  • Revd Andy Keulemans (AK, Chaplain, Philosophy & Theology) B.Sc, University of Aberystwyth; B.Th., University of Nottingham 
  • Jeremy Lucas (JVL, Mathematics, Head of Third Form) LL.B., University of Manchester; B.Sc., Open University
  • Charles Oakley (CWO, Maths, Head of Academic Administration) M.Math., D.Phil., late Scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford
  • Ian Payne (IWP, Maths) B.Sc, King's College London; M.A. Kingston
  • Mark Roberts (DMR, Mathematics & Computing) B.Sc, M.Ed., Open University
  • Samantha Shantry (SLMS, Maths) B.Sc., University of Cardiff 
  • Matthew Spencer (MDS, Mathematics, Physics) BSc, Loughborough MA, Wolverhampton
  • Nicholas Welch (NJW, Maths) B.Sc., University of Warwick
  • Rob Wilson (RMW, Maths) M.Eng., M.A. Collingwood College, Durham


  • Maria McKenzie (MLM, Director of Music) B.Mus. Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, M.Mus.(Perf) Royal Northern College of Music. L.T.C.L.
  • Richard Robbins (RRCR Head of Choral Music) BMus, Royal Holloway MA, Royal Academy of Music LRAM
  • Mike Skipper (MSS, Head of Academic Music) B.Mus., Rhodes University, South Africa
Philosophy and Theology

Philosophy and Theology

  • Henry Bennett (HOMB, Philosophy and Theology, i/c Tennis) M.A., Collingwood College, Durham
  • Morgan Bird (MCB, Philosophy & Theology, Housemaster) B.A, University of Nottingham
  • Revd Andy Keulemans (AK, Chaplain, Philosophy & Theology) B.Sc, University of Aberystwyth; B.Th., University of Nottingham 
  • Ellena Lyell (ECL, Philosophy & Theology, i/c Girls' Football) B.A. MRes PhD, Nottingham
  • Mike Tonks (MJT, Head of Philosophy & Theology, Head of Guardianship and International Family Liaison) B.A., University of Newcastle
  • Emma Hellyer (EJH, Philosophy & Theology, Head of Teaching and Learning) MA Worcester College, Oxford M.A., University College, London
  • Clare Wilson (CHLW, Philosophy & Theology, Housemistress) B.A. Collingwood College, Durham
  • Isabella Winkley (IAW, History of Art, Philosophy & Theology) BA, Nottingham MA, Sussex


  • Louisa Corcoran (LAEC, Politics, History) B.A., University of Bristol
  • Sam Griffiths (SCG, History, Politics, Housemaster) M.Sc. University of Edinburgh 
  • Ian Haworth (IPH, History) M.A., Manchester University
  • Peter Rudge (PJBR, Head of History & Politics) B.A., Van Mildert College, Durham, B.A., Hughes Hall, Cambridge
Physical Education

Physical Education

  • Kevin Brennan (KJB, Senior Deputy Head, Physical Education) B.Sc., Brunel; M.Sc. Linacre College, Oxford
  • Liam Hennessy (LH, Assistant Director of Sport) B.A., Liverpool John Moores
  • Will Hughes (WAH, P.E., Master i/c Cricket) B.A., University of Northumbria
  • Sophie Jones (SJ, Physical Education) BSc, Sheffield Hallam
  • Andrew Pembleton (ASP, Director of Sport, Acting Head of PE) B.Sc., Loughborough University
  • Stephen Wilderspin (SPW, Physical Education, i/c Football) B.Ed., De Montford University


  • Richard Barrett (RB, Physics, Safeguarding Team) M.Sc., Ph.D., Birmingham
  • Seb Cooley (SKPC, Maths, Physics) MEng., University of Warwick
  • Mark Elliot (MSE, Head of Astronomy & EPQ, Physics) M.A., Peterhouse, Cambridge; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, C.Phys., M.Inst.P.
  • Jane Pattenden (JLP, Physics) M.A., D.Phil., St Hilda’s College, Oxford
  • Paul Pattenden (PP, Physics, Head of Elite University Application) M.A., D.Phil., C. Phys,. M.Inst.P., St John's College, Oxford
  • Adam Smiter (AS, Head of Science Outreach, Physics) M.Sci., University of Nottingham
  • Amy Smiter (AES, Head of Physics) M.Sci., University of Nottingham
  • Matthew Spencer (MDS, Mathematics, Physics) BSc, Loughborough MA, Wolverhampton


  • Stuart Cowper (SHC, Spanish, French, Head of Partnership & Community Engagement) M.A., Christ Church, Oxford
  • Victoria Recio Garcia (VRG, Modern Languages) BA, Valladolid
  • Ívan Jose López Iglesias (ILI, Spanish Fellow) B.A., (Cádiz, Spain) M.A., (Jaén, Spain)
  • Adam Morris (APM, Spanish) B.A., University of Aberystwyth
  • Ana Pedraza (APR, Head of Spanish) M.A., University of Madrid

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