English as an Additional Language (EAL)

A number of pupils at Shrewsbury have a principal language other than English.
Among these pupils, there is a considerable range of abilities in the English language, from those who are effectively fluent (even though English is not their first language) to those who need some assistance.
All pupils who are admitted to Shrewsbury are required to pass an entrance examination, and pupils for whom English is an Additional Language will be expected to demonstrate a level of linguistic competence appropriate to their proposed course of study. This is to ensure that pupils who arrive at Shrewsbury all have sufficient competence in the English language to thrive in the community from the outset and to follow the Shrewsbury School curriculum which leads to GCSE and A Levels.
It is anticipated that, in the first instance, all pupils will follow the full school curriculum; however, the curriculum for pupils for whom English is an Additional Language may be reviewed on an individual basis, and this will occasionally result in pupils dropping one subject (usually a Modern Foreign Language).
Pupils for whom English is an Additional Language may receive extra English language tuition. This normally takes the form of a weekly lesson; in some cases, this is on an individual basis, whilst in other cases, pupils attend in small groups. This is, in addition, to support delivered by set teachers through curriculum English.
For more information, please see the English as an Additional Language Policy on our Policies page.