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Duke of Edinburgh's Awards

Shrewsbury School crest

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is the premier personal development award for young people and provides an internationally recognised qualification.

At Shrewsbury, we offer two levels of the Award: Silver and Gold. The award is not an activity in itself yet serves to accredit worthy undertakings that pupils will undertake as part of their normal programme as well as giving them a wider outlook.

Not all that start the award will finish; and, like all good qualifications, the inherent value of any level of the award lies in its difficulty and challenge.

All the candidates receive a comprehensive brief of the Award Scheme at their level.

Useful Information for The Gold and Silver Awards

The below information is from the Expedition Awards Officer.



The Award Scheme has a strong ethos of 'Self Motivation' and 'Personal Organisation' and all the candidates are asked to uphold these values and support the Award in this way.  So what does it mean?  Basically, it means that the candidate does it by themself.  Obviously pupils will need support and mentoring, but on the whole it is something they sort out independently.  Employers regard the award highly as it is such a good measure of personal responsibility and an indicator of 'soft skills', and we would all wish this to continue.  By all means support your son/daughter, but remember that it is their award and not yours.



The take up for the Award is great, and as with all things that take about two years to complete and are voluntary, the wastage rate is high.  It is my aim to identify those who will not complete early on, so that I can focus my attention on those who will complete.  I do this by having a selection programme.  It is very simple and very fair.  Interested pupils are invited to a meeting where they are issued an application form.  The form asks them to go away and research the activities that they propose to complete for each section of the Award and come up with a strategy.  The form also outlines proposed expedition dates and they are asked to indicate which expeditions they can attend.  The deadline for return of this form is tight, and failure to return the application on time immediately forfeits a place.  Initially, I don't turn anyone away who masters this initial task.  The second hurdle is to partially complete at least two sections of the Award prior to expedition training.  I have found it saves parents a considerable amount of money if I only train candidates who are sufficiently motivated to get all parts of the award underway.



The Award costs are split into three parts.  The Registration cost is £28, which includes the log book and record pack, a CD Rom, magazine, the ID/Discount Card.  This is issued on successful selection.  The second part of the cost is for training and the practice expedition. 

I run a training camp and first practice during the October Exeat (normally the first five days). This includes all the theory training including first aid, incident management, kit packing, kit care, cooking and nutrition on the mountains, mountain hazards, river and crossing, team work, basic and advanced navigation, navigation in poor conditions and plenty more.  This week will cost between £140 and £170 depending on the mode of travel selected, and the nature of the accommodation used.  Please note kayakers are not required to attend this package, but they must gain three star kayak skills through the school kayak club.

I then run a second practice during the Easter Break.  This falls at both ends of the Easter holidays for about five days.  One trip will be a water venture the other a land based venture. 

Finally, there is the cost for the Assessment Expedition.  This ranges from £100 to £800 depending on the nature of the expedition and location.  Depending on take up, I will run one walking expedition, one canoeing expedition and one sea kayaking expedition each year.  The venue and dates will be determined by the candidates themselves, but normally are placed at either end of holiday periods, or after exams in the U6. 

Additional costs may be incurred depending on what Service, Skill and Physical activities a candidate undertakes.  These can be almost minimal if activities are confined to school activities.

The Award and the CCF

The Award and the CCF

For those in the CCF, the Award Costs are greatly reduced.  The CCF nationally runs week long training, practice and assessment expeditions for £40 per week including free rail travel at the three national Cadet Centres for Adventure Training.

Sticking Points

Sticking Points

  • Changing an activity - The Award Scheme has a built in 'Joker' card, which allows a candidate to change one activity once during the commitment period.  This is useful for pupils that are involved in a seasonal sport for example.
  • Marathon not a Race - A major part of the Award is to show commitment over a long period of time - be it 12 months or two years.  If your child chooses an activity for a period, they need to show commitment for that whole period working an average of one hour per week.  Obviously some activities like volunteering with the National Trust take for example one day per month.  This is acceptable with special permission. 
  • Commitment periods - The Award has become much more flexible over the years.  Candidates have an element of choice when selecting how long they do each activity.  The Record Book also has a very clear table.
  • Record keeping - The Record Book is important.  It is imperative that it is completed fully and correctly.  Activity titles should be written as listed in the Programmes File/Website/Publications.  For example - Playing the Violin should be recorded as 'Playing a Musical Instrument - Violin'.  The Award process is now computerised and the computer rejects anything it does not recognise. 
  • Residential - The residential rules are quite clear, and I brief the candidates quite thoroughly on what is acceptable.  The activity must be for five days, four consecutive nights.  The activity must not be for monetary gain, and accommodation must be within a community.  A hotel is not acceptable.
  • The Award Journal (The Award Magazine) - This is an excllent publication.  It lists Residentials, Expeditions and Courses.
  • Can't make a School Expedition - Not to worry.  There are hundreds of providers out there that run training, practice expeditions and assessment expeditions.  I can recommend a few if you are stuck. 
  • Failure to hand in an Expedition Project - This is a real sticking point!  Having spent hundreds of pounds on the Expedition Section and arduous days in the hills doesn't mean the section is complete.  The Assessment Expedition has to follow with a 'Purpose' Project.  This is covered in the initial brief and more information can be found on the Award Website.
  • Back-dating Activities - The Award accepts that some candidates have participated in activity prior to starting the Award.  It will (with advance warning) allow back-dating for up to three months on special occasions.  This is a privilege however and not recommended.
  • Dates - Please ensure all dates fit as required.  The computer will spit them out otherwise.  For example, start dates must not be before the minimum age of entry.  Start dates must be after the sign up date unless special permission to back-date has been obtained.  Finish dates must be after the commitment period for the activity.  Expedition training dates must be filled in and the training signed off prior to an assessment expedition (as this could invalidate insurance).
  • Insurance - All pupils engaged in school activities are insured by the schools' very comprehensive insurance.  All pupils that are in possession of a correctly filled out record book and registration ID number are insured by the Award Scheme whilst on recognised Award Activities.  This insurance is very basic and details can be sought from the Award website.
Equipment for the Expedition

Equipment for the Expedition

Candidates will get training on expedition packing and preparation prior to expeditioning.  Expensive group items can be drawn from stores.  Some 'cheaper' items can be purchased from the CCF Shop (in CCF HQ), such as Knife, Fork and Spoon sets, Rucksack liners etc.  The ID card enclosed with the Record Book Pack includes a discount card for Millets and Blacks.

Other sources of information

Other sources of information

Publications like the Award Journal, Programmes File and Expedition Handbook are available in the Library and Award Office.  The Duke of Edinburgh website is an excellent source of information.

Risk Management

Risk Management

The subject of risk is a question asked more and more by parents.  As with all things there is an element of risk in all parts of the Award, however every effort is made to minimise risk.  In terms of the expedition, we only use Licensed AALA (Adventure Activities Licensing Authority) Instructors who hold the necessary qualification for the activity for example Mountain Leader (Summer) Award holders for foot expeditions and Canoeing Level Two Coaches for open boating expeditions.  Obviously, risk assessments are compiled prior to every expeditioning activity, and a process of dynamic risk management is ongoing throughout an expedition.



On completion of the Award, a candidate will be asked to complete a form and photocopy their log book.  This will be despatched to the Award HQ in Windsor where the information will be processed.  Sadly, with the number of completions it takes some 18 months before a candidate will get an invitation to the Palace to collect their certificate.  I hold a presentation annually in school for candidates who have submitted completion forms.

More Information

More Information

If you have any further questions, and you can’t find the relevant information on the Award website, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Periodically I shall invite candidates to make an appointment to update me of their progress.

Medical Documents

Medical Documents

Medical forms will be sent out with each pack of consent forms that accompany each expedition.  This ensures they are current and up to date.

Expedition Kit Lists and Conditions

Walking Expedition Packing List: Gold And Silver

Walking Expedition Packing List: Gold And Silver

(For an expedition two – four days)                     

Group Equipment

  • Tent (Inner, Outer, Poles, Pegs, Spares)*
  • Stove* (where own supplied, inspection by instructor required)
  • Pans & Handle* (Marked with volumes)
  • Fuel* (with safety stopper)
  • Pan Washing Kit (1 x wire wool scrubber & soap)
  • Matches (waterproofed)
  • Group Shelter*
  • Food (refer to separate training notes: low weight, high calories & carbs, not tins, bottle, glass or pot noodles)
  • Group First Aid Kit*
  • Camera and Batteries, & memory card (waterproofed)
  • Roll of Gaffa Tape

Personal Equipment

  • Sleeping Bag* (synthetic not natural fibres like down)
  • Roll Mat*
  • Rucksack* (65 Litres, lined with waterproof liner)
  • Rucksack Liner (thick heavy duty waterproof polythene bag)
  • Waterproof Bags (for isolating wet and dry kit & clothing in the pack)
  • Torch & Batteries (turn batteries around in carriage)
  • Wash Kit (minimal, ½ toothbrush, 1 mini tooth paste per group, small cake of soap)
  • Insect repellent (Avon Skin So Soft…if you can get hold of it & Face Net)
  • Sun Cream (Factor 30 minimum)
  • Personal Medical & Repair Kit (Plasters, safety pins, sewing needle, cotton, blister kit, compeed, spare boot lace)
  • Spare Clothes (lifa/synthetic long sleeve shirt, thin fleece, trousers (two if shorts worn) underwear, socks (thick loop stitch), emergency puffa jacket or similar)
  • Pen Knife (one between group is sufficient)
  • Waterproof Jacket* (with attached hood, taped seams, storm flaps over zips, drawstrings at base, Velcro cuffs, neck seal)
  • Waterproof Trousers* (preferably those than can be removed without taking off boots)
  • Woolly Hat & Gloves (even in summer)
  • Sun Hat & Glasses
  • Note paper & pencil
  • Route Cards & Map*
  • Compass*
  • Watch
  • Mug* (marked off with volume marks)
  • Plate*
  • Knife & Spoon (strong polycarbonate plastic ideal)
  • Lifa (non-cotton) top
  • Thin Fleece
  • Walking Trousers/Shorts (not jeans, quick drying synthetic ideal)
  • Boots (with ankle support and worn in)
  • Walking Socks (loop stitch)
  • & ‘non chaffing’ underwear


  • Packed in a Civilian Style Holdall
  • Old Trousers
  • Trainers
  • Casual Shoes
  • Selection of warm tops
  • Selection of T-shirts
  • Selection of Tracksuit Bottoms
  • Socks for a week
  • Underwear for a week
  • Alarm Clock
  • Book to Read
  • Pyjamas/Night Wear
  • More Comprehensive wash kit (Shower Gel etc.)
  • Wetsuit (if Kayaking on the programme) 

Kayaking Activities

  • Spray Cag*
  • Over trousers*
  • Wet suit*
  • Thermals
  • Water shoes/wet suit boots
  • Neoprene gloves*
  • Spray Deck*
  • Bouyancy Aid*
  • Kayak*
  • Paddle*
  • Dry Bags*
  • Paddle Leash*

Canoeing Activities

  • Spray Cag*
  • Over trousers*
  • Thermals
  • Water shoes/wet suit boots
  • Neoprene gloves*
  • Bouyancy Aid*
  • Kayak*
  • Paddle*
  • Dry Bags*

* Available from Stores

Expedition Conditions

Expedition Conditions

  1. Your expedition must be by your own physical effort, without any motorised or outside assistance.
  2. Your expedition must be unaccompanied and self-reliant.
  3. Your expeditions must be supervised by an adult who is able to accept responsibility for the safety of you and your team.
  4. Your expedition must have an aim.
  5. You must be properly equipped for your expedition.
  6. You must have completed the required training and practice expeditions.
  7. You must undertake at least one practice expedition at each level of the programme. You should do this in the same mode of travel and in a similar environment to the qualifying expedition.
  8. You and your team must plan and organise your expedition.
  9. You must be assessed by an approved accredited Assessor to the DofE.
  10. There must be between four and seven people in your team (eight people may be in a team for modes of travel which are tandem).
  11. You must be within the qualifying age of the DofE programme level.
  12. All the people in your team must be at the same level of assessment.
  13. Your team must not include anyone who has completed the same or higher level DofE expedition.
  14. Your overnight accommodation should be camping.
  15. Your expedition must be the minimum number of days required for your DofE level.
  16. Your expedition should normally take place between the end of March and the end of October.
  17. Your expedition should be in the recommended environment for your DofE level.
  18. Your must do the minimum hours of planned daily activity for your DofE level.
  19. You should cook and eat a substantial meal each day.
  20. You must create and deliver a presentation after your expedition to complete the section.