Campaign 2020 – 2030

Campaign 2020 - 2030 is the strategic framework guiding our activity. This ten-year, Global Advancement Strategy sets an ambitious initial focus of supporting Means Tested Bursaries, while enabling us to welcome other projects alongside to enhance the environment and life of the School both today and tomorrow. We are progressing with confidence toward the School's commitment to meet its strategic objective of increasing the number of Transformative Means Tested Bursary recipients to a target of 40 pupils annually by 2030.
The campaign period is 01.08.20 - 31.07.31, and we took the opportunity to review and reshape our Giving Clubs at the Start, to terrace the recognition of our donors throughout.
With its auspicious founding by Royal Charter in 1552, and subsequent identification as one of the 'Great' Public Schools by the Clarendon Commission in 1868, it should come as no surprise that the foresight of the School brought about the establishment, in 1965, of the Shrewsbury School Foundation. It is thought to be the first such charitable foundation associated with a British Independent School, and to this day, the Foundation exists to create, support and enhance the provisions of Shrewsbury School, including its commitment to the provision of Means Tested Bursaries.
Our definition of 'Transformative Means Tested Bursaries' is those which enable young people requiring 75% - 100% remission of fees to attend the School.
Fundraising continues to form a vital part of the School's capacity to deliver its mission, influencing positively a number of the School's strategic objectives to 2030. Our ten year, global Advancement strategy is an ambitious campaign, with a focus of supporting Means Tested Bursaries, whilst also welcoming some new projects alongside each year. We are progressing with confidence toward the School's commitment to meet its strategic objective of increasing the number of Transformative Means Tested Bursary recipients to a target of 40 pupils annually by 2030.
You can support any aspect of the life of Shrewsbury School at whatever level you wish.
We are presently directing support towards three funds:
1. The Means Tested Bursary Fund
Provides means tested fee remissions to suitably qualified pupils with the appetite, promise, and academic ability to benefit from a Shrewsbury education where their personal and family financial circumstances would otherwise preclude their attendance.
2. The Infrastructure Fund
Provides contingent or contributory support to the costs associated with the creation, adaptation or enhancement of the buildings, tangible and physical infrastructure and environment of the School.
3. The School's Current Area of Greatest Need Fund
Provides flexible support attendant to existing and emergent need throughout and across the full range of initiatives in Campaign 2020 - 2030 and the life of the School. Donations to The Family Development Fund are routed to this fund, unless donors specify otherwise.
Shrewsbury School and Shrewsbury School Foundation are charities (numbers 528413 and 528415) registered in England and Wales