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Shrewsbury teacher receives 'Impact Educator' honour from Morehead-Cain

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Shrewsbury teacher receives 'Impact Educator' honour from Morehead-Cain
Academic Old Salopians

A Shrewsbury School teacher has been recognised for his ‘profound impact’ on a pupils’ life and has been celebrated as a Morehead-Cain Impact Educator. 

Mike Tonks, Head of Philosophy and Theology, received the award from Morehead-Cain Foundation, where Old Salopian Finn Sansom (PH, 2016-21) is currently studying after being awarded the prestigious scholarship at the University of North Carolina.  

In a letter received by Mr Tonks from the President of Morehead-Cain, Chris Bradford, it states: “We have a proud tradition of identifying, accelerating and connecting leaders. Our scholars are driven, courageous and inquisitive – and we recognise that their leadership as students is a result of the impact that individuals like you have had throughout their lives.” 

Finn said: “Throughout my two final years at Shrewsbury, the support and kindness I received from Mr Tonks had a massive influence on my growth and development as a person. Whether this be the support I received through him being my tutor or the passion he instilled in me through Philosophy and Theology. He always sought to test me and make me question my own opinions, which in turn made me appreciate other views as if they were my own.  

“I fondly remember walking into class and making a small joke about the performance of his beloved Manchester United, to which he always gave a witty response back. I was delighted to have the opportunity to appreciate all the work Mr Tonks did for me and many others throughout our time at Shrewsbury.” 

Mr Tonks added: “I was delighted to be contacted by the Moorhead Cain Foundation in Chapel Hill, North Carolina about my work in Philosophy and Theology with Finn Sansom.  

“I got to know Finn very well both as his Personal Tutor as well as his classroom teacher. Finn was a worthy recipient of their merit scholarship and I know he is already making very significant contributions to the programme.  

 “He was a hugely impressive student of Philosophy & Theology and even when we all faced challenging times during the pandemic he never allowed his commitment and motivation to his work to diminish. His innate positivity, grit and resilience were as impressive as his ability to deconstruct philosophical arguments.  

 “I have every confidence that, whatever area of work he finds himself doing in the future, he is someone who will always make a difference.” 

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Shrewsbury teacher receives 'Impact Educator' honour from Morehead-Cain