Shrewsbury Headmasters

The history of Shrewsbury's Headmasters since its inception in 1552
Years in Office | Headmaster |
2018 - Present | Leo Winkley |
2010 - 2018 | Mark Turner |
2001 - 2010 | Jeremy Goulding |
1988 - 2001 | Ted Maidment |
1981 - 1988 | Simon Langdale |
1975 - 1980 | Sir Eric Anderson |
1963 - 1975 | Arthur Wright |
1950 - 1963 | John Peterson |
1944 - 1950 | John Wolfenden |
1932 - 1944 | Henry Hardy |
1917 - 1932 | Harold Sawyer |
1908 - 1917 | Dr Cyril Alington |
1866 - 1908 | Revd. Henry Moss |
1836 - 1865 | Revd. Benjamin Kennedy |
1798 - 1836 | Dr Samuel Butler |
1771 - 1798 | Revd. James Atcherley |
1754 - 1770 | Charles Newling |
1735 - 1754 | Leonard Hotchkiss |
1727 - 1735 | Robert Phillips |
1723 - 1727 | Revd. H. Owen |
1687 - 1723 | Revd. R. Lloyd |
1664 - 1687 | Revd. A. Taylor |
1646 - 1662 | Revd. H. Piggott |
1637 - 1645 | Revd. Thomas Chaloner |
1583 - 1635 | John Meighen |
1571 - 1583 | T. Lawrence |
1561 - 1571 | Revd. Thomas Ashton |
1552 - ? | John Eyton |
1552 - ? | Sir Morys |