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Salopians compete in first ever Moreton Hall Mini-MUN

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Salopians compete in first ever Moreton Hall Mini-MUN

A group of 18 Salopians took part in the first-ever Moreton Hall Mini-MUN, which was brilliantly organised and chaired by staff and girls from Moreton.

There were two debates in each committee during the morning, and then in the afternoon there was a crisis debate, bringing all the delegates together. Delegates had to think on their feet to respond to a fictional event.

Head of MUN, Huw Peach, said:

Our team were relatively experienced, but it was good to see so many of our Third Form who were up for the challenge. 

A number of them, who really made their mark, also picked up awards, and I was delighted to see the spirit with which they engaged and debated.

In each committee of 25 delegates there were 2-3 Commended, 1 or 2 Highly Commended and one Outstanding Delegate.

The following won awards:

 Outstanding: Liam G (Rt, IV - USA) and Henry W (Ch, III - Zimbabwe)

 Highly Commended: Issy P (MSH, III - USA) and Cam G (O, III - Mali) 

 Commended: Maggie C (M, III - Mali) and Miranda R (EDH, III - Mali)

Mr Peach added:

It's good to see new talent coming through. One more MUN to go on Sunday 27th June, hosted (online again) by Withington School, involving older pupils.

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Salopians compete in first ever Moreton Hall Mini-MUN