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The Grove wins Junior House Debating 2021

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The Grove wins Junior House Debating 2021
Academic News Debating

Honourable Chair, esteemed opposition and the readers of this newsletter. Presenting… the Inter House Junior Debating Competition of 2021.  Daisy S (G, IV), reflects on the debate.

This year’s contest, although experiencing slight delays due to the pandemic, was not one to be stopped. Full of fierce competition and well thought out arguments, we saw 13 houses work their hardest to achieve a place in the finals. With a range of complex motions, such as: “Should a second Scottish referendum be held before 2021?” and “Should there be a substantial increase in NHS services for mental health?”, it was a truly marvellous debating season. However, it had to come to a close with two out of the original 20 teams securing a place in the finals. 

On Thursday, September 16th, we saw the wonderful ladies of Emma Darwin Hall battle it out with the ladies of The Grove in this year’s finals. The motion asked both teams to consider whether ‘the world would be a better place if more women were in charge.’  

Emma Darwin Hall proposed this motion with the upmost determination and strength of moral code. Their principal argument was that women simply possess more qualities suitable for positions of power due to their levels of oestrogen and hormonal balance. They also cited some prestigious global female leaders who are successfully leading our society today. Their persuasive propositions made this a compelling competition. Miranda R (IV) and Frances T-T (IV) were led by their inspiring captain Natalia T (V) who gave a final speech addressing how a substantial increase of women in power can act as a beacon of hope to young women around the world.  

However, the ladies of The Grove, Clemmie S (IV), Suzanna P (V) and I opposed the motion to the best of our ability. We raised the question of ‘what it means to be woman in the year 2021’ and debated how much significance gender should play for consideration of positions of power. Suzanna stated how the increase of women in power would not necessarily correlate to better results in the world around us.  

However, after tough contemplation seeing questions form the audience and 8 superb speeches, the winners of the Junior Debating Competition of 2021 were the ladies of The Grove, winning 68 points to 67! 

The effort put in by both teams was admirable and it has been a pleasure to captain. Most importantly it has been a privilege to be a part of the winning Grove Team for two years now. We hope that this debate paid homage to the powerful women all around us, whether this is in the form of our peers, teachers, housemistresses or family. We're all really looking forward to getting involved in this term's much-anticipated Senior House competition! 

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The Grove wins Junior House Debating 2021