Salopians compete in global Poetry Recital Competition

A Third Former has been highly commended in a global poetry recital competition.
The Poesiae Competition is a poetry recitation competition for several different languages.
This year, 220 schools entered and were required to enter their top three pupils in each category. After an in-class competition with an in-class ‘final’ to determine which three would go through, the pupils entered were Charlotte K (M), Isaac S (SH) and George R (PH).
The competition was adjudicated by a panel of experienced MFL teachers/authors/bloggers including the former president of Association for Language Learning.
There was one winner per year group per language, as well as a highly commended performance, which was awarded to George.
Emily Higgins, Modern Languages teacher at Shrewsbury, said: “We were very pleased for George as he was effectively named in the top 3 in the world in his year group and language.
It was a great experience for all our top set in Third Form. Those who got into the ‘global final’ and the ‘class final’ all received certificates for their hard work. It is definitely something to continue next year!
Well done to all who took part.