Biology pupils of all ages excel in competitions

Biology pupils have excelled with an impressive set of competition results coming in across a range of year groups.
Fourth Formers recently took part in The Royal Society of Biology’s ‘Biology Challenge’, which consists of two, twenty-five-minute multiple choice papers to be taken online under staff supervised exam conditions.
Questions were set on the school curriculum, but the competition will also reward those students whose knowledge of the subject has been increased by reading books and magazines, watching natural history programmes, taking notice of the news media for items of biological interest, and are generally aware of our natural flora and fauna.
Over 41,000 students from 550 schools worldwide took part in this year's competition, including 61 of our Fourth Form, who between them won 6 Golds, 10 Silvers and 24 Bronzes plus a number of Commendations for those outside the medal brackets.
In another Biology competition - this time an Olympiad exclusively for Lower Sixth Formers. The competition consists of a one-hour multiple choice paper to be taken online, with questions on set topics students are likely to have covered at GCSE and in their first year of A level, which will count towards UCAS.
There were 2 Golds, 5 Silver, 5 Bronze and 1 commended award, with participants also receiving awards.
The Lower Sixth Award Medal winners were:
- Vanessa W (EDH) – Gold
- Mari A (EDH) – Gold
- Chloe J (MSH) – Silver
- Myra L (MSH) – Silver
- Jonathan Z (O) - Silver
- Oscar E (PH) - Silver
- Sapna C (G) - Silver
- Ki-Din B (S) - Bronze
- Kitty S-P (M) - Bronze
- Abi W (M) - Bronze
- Jai H (Ch) - Bronze
- Jia Q (Rt) - Bronze
- Anna B (EDH) - Commended
Well done to all who took part.