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Successful weekend at ShrewsMUN VI

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Successful weekend at ShrewsMUN VI
Debating Events

Co-Secretary General Lem M (I, UVI) reflects on a busy and successful event at Shrewsbury. 

On Saturday 12th March and Sunday the 13th of March we hosted and held the school’s 6th Model United Nations Conference (SHREWSMUN VI). The conference was attended by around 140 delegates from around 11 different schools from around the country.

I was Co-secretary General alongside my colleague Kate R (EDH, UVI). My job was to plan the conference as it was to be student-led and on the day we ran the event as a student team with assistance from some staff such as Mr Peach and Mrs Pritchard.

I opened the conference with a speech during the opening ceremony and after that, my job was to ensure that the day ran smoothly and deal with any issues that occurred.

The build-up to the conference was very long, with planning starting months before. The communication between us and the attending schools and numbers was mainly done by Kate whilst I handled the other jobs such as the topics, room allocation and the Crisis. However, we did help each other and was, in the end, a team effort with help from other pupils. The two weeks before the conference were my mocks and there was still stuff to do which added pressure, but luckily by Friday afternoon everything was in check, and I could finally breathe.

The conference was a success overall with advisors and visiting delegates commenting after how much they enjoyed the conference and said that it was professional and welcoming. As I walked around Hodgson peering into the different committees through the two days, I saw that the chairs kept relatively good control and that everyone was getting an opportunity to speak thanks to the clause-by-clause structure we decided. The conference was small but welcoming with Hodgson filled with ambient instrumental music which created a positive atmosphere and diplomatic sense.

The closing ceremony was slick and on time and I think everyone left the conference delighted that they attended.

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Successful weekend at ShrewsMUN VI