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Preparing for the future: The Upper Sixth Futures Day

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Preparing for the future: The Upper Sixth Futures Day
Upper Sixth

On Thursday, the Upper Sixth enjoyed a series of activities to help them in their planning for life beyond the Moss Gates. 

After an assembly going through the nuts and bolts of their university applications, we were delighted to welcome back a dozen Old Salopians currently at university to offer their own insights to the next generation. 

Alongside Personal Statement and application workshops, Harry Remnant (Ch 2019) and Lewis Evans (PH 2020) gave envy-inducing overviews of their Gap Years, which included cycling across Georgia, playing rugby in New Zealand and working at our sister school, Shrewsbury Riverside in Bangkok.

In addition, Darcie Scimia (G 2018), Alex Powell (I 2020) and Aaron Clark (O 2019) hosted a Q&A session on ‘things I wish I’d known’. 

The Upper Sixth then met OS in the workplace, who studied their intended subject at university; the sheer breadth of destinations open from a degree was obvious, with professions ranging from MP to engineer, Pharmaceuticals expert to Sports Industry guru offering fascinating and inspirational ideas of where their degree took them. 

Toby Percival, Head of Higher Education, said: “It is always refreshing and pertinent to hear from those both at university and in the workplace about what may seem nebulous to those embarking on applications.  Serendipitously, it was lovely to bring together members of the last four Heads of School teams, a reminder of the strength of the Salopian bond.” 

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Preparing for the future: The Upper Sixth Futures Day