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Ridgemount turns 100!

Shrewsbury School crest

Ridgemount turns 100!

On Saturday, Salopians celebrated Ridgemount’s centenary.  

The 100-year anniversary was marked with drinks in the Ridgemount garden, as well as an unveiling of a new stained-glass window above the house’s entrance.  

Will Hughes, who has been Housemaster at Ridgemount for 13 years, said: “David Gee confirmed earlier in the year that Ridgemount has been on its current site since 1921. 

“It was a fantastic occasion with around 100 members of the Ridgemount community in attendance, representing many different eras.

"The champagne flowed, great conversations were had as Ridgemountaineers reminisced about their schooldays. House tours were taken with current pupils and I gave a speech followed by a toast to Ridgemount proposed by the Headmaster.   

We were delighted to unveil a commemorative stained-glass window as part of a generous donation to the school from Alan Graham, who was a pupil in Ridgemount from 1956-1959."

Many then attended the OS dinner in KH whilst others went for meals in town. 

“It was great to have representatives from the Ellis family, whose father Arnold was Housemaster from 1972-83 and wonderful to see other former Housemasters, Richard Field and Martin Humphreys in attendance. It was also great to have Ridgemountaineers from the Gladstone, Connell, Bevan era too.” 


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Ridgemount turns 100!