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Former Head of Classics to host Society Lecture

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Former Head of Classics to host Society Lecture
Academic News Events

The first Classics lecture of 2022 will take place on at 7.30pm on Friday February 4th in Hodgson Hall.

The Classical Society will host a talk on ‘Catullus - foul-mouthed genius?’, given by Dr. John Godwin, author of the latest textbook produced in conjunction with OCR and Bloomsbury Books. Dr Godwin was Head of Classics at Shrewsbury for 30 years, retiring in 2014.

Dr Godwin will be exploring what effect Catullus’ often racey and risqué style of language has on the artistry of his poetry. Does the vernacular diminish or enhance the beauty of the verse? What should our reaction be as a 21st century audience?

Pupils studying Latin or Greek or Classical Civilisation – and in some cases a combination of these – will be surprised and challenged!

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Former Head of Classics to host Society Lecture