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U15 Netball team crowned County Champions

Shrewsbury School crest

U15 Netball team crowned County Champions
Sports Events

On Wednesday 16th March the U15 1st VII travelled to Hadley Learning Community (HLC) for the Shropshire Schools Netball County Championships.

They have a tough league round robin and had to finish in the top two in order to qualify for the semi-finals. 

Our first match v Wrekin was a fast start and the girls had to be switched on from the whistle. The games were only 9 minutes one way – so the importance of gaining a turnover was vital. At one point Shrewsbury were winning 5-3 but a few errors led to a final score of 5-5. 

The second game v Haberdasher’s Abraham Darby, we won 10-4. Our shooting was increasingly consistent, and it was pleasing to see the girls growing in confidence and finding their voice on court. 

Our 3rd game v Oswestry we won 8-4. This was an end-to-end game and Shrewsbury were able to force several turnovers which was vital in them gaining a lead. 

Our final game of the league v Burton Borough we won (11-1) meaning we would play the runner’s up of the other league in the semi-final – this was against Newport Girls School, and we won. 

The final was v Wrekin. The team we drew against in our first game. This was a highly contested match and the girls really had to dig deep. By this point in the afternoon due to the rain the ball was very slippy and precision was key. 

The girls played their best netball of the afternoon and won the match.

Mrs Hall and I are very proud of the girls – not only for winning but for displaying excellent sportsmanship, grid and determination in every match. They were focused and despite only having one sub they all worked hard.  

Miss E Davis 

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U15 Netball team crowned County Champions