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Strong performance from Hunt runners in 2023 Knole Run

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Strong performance from Hunt runners in 2023 Knole Run

The Royal Shrewsbury School Hunt headed south for the annual Knole Run last weekend. 

Despite the ill-fated date, RSSH boys and girls teams travelled down to Kent on Friday 13th January in good spirits and, following the virulent spate of illness that had laid most of the squad low before Christmas, in good health. A smooth journey down, followed by a sociable meal out, made for excellent preparation for the prestigious Knole Run, hosted by Sevenoaks School in Knole Park.

The following morning’s downpours had fortunately subsided by the time we arrived to inspect the course. Both girls and boys run the same route in the Knole; the former complete one 5km lap, whilst the latter are put through a second lap, racing a gruelling 10km distance. The grand setting and the varied terrain combine to make for a wonderful spectator’s course, whilst testing the athlete’s endurance and speed in equal measure.

First up were the girls, with Iris D (G, UVI) and Sophia U (EDH, UVI), joint Huntswomen, leading a team including Sophia C (MSH, V), Ellie L-L (MSH, LVI) and Amelia B (MSH, IV). As expected, Iris found herself very much to the fore, holding her fast start to finish in a very impressive 3rd place. Sophia U was also high up, 13th overall, confirming her return to form following illness. With Sophia C next in, in 23rd, and Amelia’s 26th and Ellie’s 29th completing the RSSH standings, the team finished a highly creditable 4th overall.

10 minutes after the girls set off, the boys race started. After weeks of disrupted training, Will S (R, UVI) held himself back somewhat, with Kristian T (I, UVI) in the lead pack for much of the first lap. Nevertheless, with a couple of miles complete, Will S had edged forwards, with Kris just falling off the front pack. Harry P-M (I, V) was racing solidly some 10 or so places back, whilst Johnnie T (Ch, IV) was busy finding the form he had shown on the course a year back as a third former. Another 4th former, Zac W (Rb) was also mixing with much older runners and showing off his fine form, alongside Dom W (Rb, V) and brother Al (Rb), our sole Third Form competitor.

The Hunt fielded two full boys teams on the day – 16 runners in all – and clearly had a strength in depth that no other competing school could boast of. Whilst our A team were beaten to 1st place by the all-conquering Judd School, our B team were the highest placed in the category, rivalling a number of other schools’ A teams.

Will’s 4th place was a remarkable effort given his preparation. Kristian T’s 6th place was no less impressive, whilst Harry PM managed a highly commendable 18th. Further final standings: Johnnie T – 22nd; Dom W - 28th; Brad K (R, LVI) - 30th; Zac W – 32nd; Dan G (O, UVI) – 37th; Archie T (Rt, LVI) – 39th; Tim S (I, LVI) – 43rd; Al W – 51st; Hamish G (PH, LVI) – 56th; George H (O, UVI) – 59th; Massimo W (PH, LVI) – 60th; Alex M (Rb, IV) – 87th.

Frank Tickner

Master i/c RSSH 

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Strong performance from Hunt runners in 2023 Knole Run