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Letters from Shrewsbury No37: Dear Tes Schools Awards 2023

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Letters from Shrewsbury No37: Dear Tes Schools Awards 2023
Letters from Shrewsbury

This is a thank you letter.

Thank you for shortlisting us in three categories in this year’s national awards for state and independent schools. You’ve made the Shrewsbury School community very happy. It’s fantastic news for our pupils, teaching and support staff, parents, former pupils, governors; and for our state and international partners and friends of Shrewsbury near and far. It’s lovely to be recognised in these national awards for state and independent schools; to be listed alongside great schools from across the national education system of which we are part.

These awards celebrate excellence. And, whilst shortlists must, by definition, be short – there’s so much excellence in UK education. It’s great that these awards now cover state and independent schools together. Excellence happens everywhere across the nation’s schools. It should be celebrated together.

As those colleagues working in state maintained schools are rightly calling for proper investment in the nation’s teachers and schools, awards shortlists and ceremonies may seem like a frothy and indulgent sideshow. However, the TES has been covering education for over 112 years. It can take the long view. It’s important to be reminded that so much excellence exists in state and independent schools. Attacking the excellence in independent schools – as some these days seem so intent on doing – is negative and short-sighted. Instead, we should be finding more ways of leveraging and sharing excellence.

That’s another story… For now, let’s celebrate all the great schools and people – on short-lists, long lists and everywhere across the schools system, who do brilliant things every day in education.

As a full boarding school working on a 24/7 model, with a lively weekend programme and over 600 boarders in school each Saturday night and Sunday, we’re delighted to be shortlisted alongside some other wonderful schools for Boarding School of the Year.

The Creative and Performing Arts are at the heart of our whole person education – Floreat. Not all teenagers want to be on stage, but there are many ways to be creative. Each human being has an expressive side which can be developed through all manner of academic and co-curricular activity. Creativity is one of the power skills that sets humans apart for the machines – for now! And it brings joy and insight to others.

We’re looking forward to 23 June when the winners are announced. Whatever the outcome, being recognised on three shortlists is additional motivation to keep pursuing excellence – for each of our pupils – and for all our partners across the UK and around the world.

So, thank you, TESSA2023 for including Shrewsbury School in your shortlists.

Floreat Salopia!

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Letters from Shrewsbury No37: Dear Tes Schools Awards 2023