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Letters from Shrewsbury No42: Dear Dr Gee

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Letters from Shrewsbury No42: Dear Dr Gee
Letters from Shrewsbury

Shrewsbury legend Dr David Gee turned 90 on 12th January 2024.

A walking almanac of all things Salopian, Dr Gee has seen Shrewsbury School change and grow over seven decades. He has observed the various efforts of eight Headmasters. Our ‘Everthere’, David has the long view on Shrewsbury. His optimism for the future is infectious.

Sitting next to David at his birthday dinner, I had the delight of listening to more stories from his treasure trove of Salopian tales. He told me of the time he was summoned to the study of his first Headmaster, Jack Peterson, as a trainee teacher in 1958. “Can I give you a word of advice, Gee?”, asked Peterson. “Please do”, replied the young Gee, politely. “Never, ever become a Headmaster”, said Peterson, wearily. David would have made a wonderful Headmaster but he did heed Peterson’s advice.

Dr Gee taught at Shrewsbury between 1958 and 2012 during which time he was Housemaster of both Dayboys Hall and Severn Hill and also Head of the History and Religious Studies Faculties. He remains active in School life as custodian of the School’s history. He is often to be seen taking a turn round Top Common. And at all the big moments in the school year, he’ll be there, somewhere.

The newly nonagenarian Gee is pictured here – with (one of) his birthday cake(s).

A man of phenomenal learning – he was a Major Scholar at Winchester College – with the memory of the most venerable of elephants, David is one of the great storytellers. With a twinkle in the eye, and just a hint mischief in his voice, he will roll out tale after Salopian tale.

Although I have only overlapped with David for a mere six years of his epic stint in Shrewsbury colours, he has been kind and encouraging from the start. Gentle wisdom flows from his choice of story. He would never be so crass as to offer advice – though it is tempting to seek it. A man of exceptional energy, both intellectual and physical, I remember encountering him on the Stiperstones, more than 20 kilometres into our whole school sponsored walk in 2021. He was 87 at the time.

Here he is sitting alongside the extraordinary and wonderful Poppy Anderson, widow of the late great Sir Eric Anderson (Shrewsbury Headmaster, 1975-1980; Eton College Headmaster, 1980-1994):

Every school, every institution, anything with deep heritage, needs its torchbearer. David is ours.

Happy 90th Birthday Dr Gee.

‘Thank you’ doesn’t even begin to cover it. But thank you.

For being our Everthere.

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Letters from Shrewsbury No42: Dear Dr Gee