Name and colours
I.The club shall be called SABRINA CLUB ("the Club"). The Club's colours shall be chocolate, royal blue and silver.
2. The objects of the Club are:
2.1 To encourage fellowship between the members of the Club.
2.2 To organise activities (sporting and social) in support of paragraph 2.1. above.
2.3 To encourage fellowship between the Club and its members with other Salopians.
2.4 To help Royal Shrewsbury School Boat Club in whatever way it can to achieve continuing success in its endeavours and objects.
3. To be eligible for membership of the Club you have to be;
3.1 a member of the Salopian Club and
3.2 have been a member of the Royal Shrewsbury School Boat Club's first, second or third crews or have otherwise attained a high standard of rowing, coxing or rowing coaching and/or administration at Shrewsbury School or at University or in any rowing club recognised by British Rowing or have been recommended by the Director of Rowing at Shrewsbury School (or his/her equivalent from time to time).
4. The right of election to membership of the Club shall be vested in the committee ("the Committee") The Committee shall also have the power to demand the resignation of any member if it is considered necessary in the interests of the Club
5. Election to membership shall be constituted by an invitation from an Officer of the Club to take up membership followed by acceptance and (except in the case of honorary members) compliance with paragraph 7 below.
6. The Committee shall have the power, where they consider they have special reasons, to invite persons not eligible for membership under paragraph 1.above to be members or honorary members of the Club.
7. On accepting an invitation to membership, a member (other than an honorary member) shall pay such subscription (if any) as may be determined from time to time by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
8. Sabrina Benefactor Membership may be offered on the approval of the Committee to any individual who has made a substantial donation to support the RSSBC. At the current time this would be considered to mark a single gift of £20,000, which may be made over a period of three years. The Committee may review these terms from time to time. Such Sabrina Benefactor Membership would be conferred jointly on the donor and spouse and will entitle them to attend all Sabrina events.
9. The Officers of the Club shall be President, Captain, Secretary and Treasurer. The President shall be the public face of the Club and shall represent the Club on such formal occasions as shall require it. As such, the President shall be a member of the Club who has brought distinction to the Club. The Captain shall act as the deputy to the President and shall be the chief operating officer of the Club and, as such, shall be responsible for all aspects of the Club's operations. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking minutes of committee meetings and General Meetings of the Club, preparing agendas for committee meetings and general meetings, preparing and serving notices of committee meetings and general meetings and retaining copies of all such documents and of historic documents of such matters (including copies of the Club's Constitution and Rules for inspection by members on demand) going back to the fo1mation of the Club. The Treasurer, subject to control by the Committee, shall be responsible for the finances of the Club and for the production of annual accounts for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy occutTing mid-term amongst the Officers of the Club for any reason, the Committee may appoint any member of the Club (other than an Honorary Member) to fill such vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting, and in the event of a temporary absence of one of the Officers of the Club at a committee meeting, the Committee may appoint one of its members to perform the duties of that Officer for that meeting.
10. The Club shall be governed by the Committee which will consist of not more than twelve members (including co-opted members), of whom the Officers of the Club shall each be ex The purpose of the Committee shall be to guide the Club in such a way as best to achieve its objects. The Committee will meet at least three times a year. The meetings will normally be held in the Bowring Club Room at the School Boathouse unless the Committee shall, for a special reason, decide otherwise. Meetings will be chaired by the President or, in his absence, the Captain. Five members, one of whom one must be the President or the Captain, shall form a quorum. Motions shall be passed by a simple majority of those present. In the event of there being no overall majority, the President or, in his absence, the Captain shall have a second or casting vote. The Committee may co-opt up to three people (who need not be members of the Club or a Salopian) at any one time to augment the work done by the Committee by adding expertise or experience of particular circumstances; any such co-opted member shall not be entitled to vote at committee meetings.
11. The President, Captain, Secretary, Treasurer and elective members of the Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting for a period of up to three years and, upon retirement, shall be eligible for re-election at any subsequent election for all aspects of the Club's operations.
12. Sub-committees
The committee may form such sub-committees as it shall from time to time deem beneficial to the furtherance of the Club's objects. The purpose, constitution and terms of reference of such sub-committees shall be determined by the Committee at the time of their formation. Membership of such sub-committees shall be open to members of the Club and current or past teachers of the School.
13. Annual General Meetings
13.1 The Annual General Meeting of members of the Club, of which not less than twenty-one days' notice shall be given, shall take place each year at such time (no more than fifteen months after the previous Annual General Meeting) and such place (the Bowring Club Room at the School Boathouse, unless determined otherwise) as the Committee shall
13.2 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include;
a) To receive a report on the dealings and business of the Committee since the previous Annual General Meeting,
b) To receive a Statement of Account for the previous year,
c) To receive a report from the President setting out the Club's activities over the preceding year and the plans for the forthcoming year.
d) To elect members to fill vacancies on the Committee,
e) To consider and decide upon any proposal for a change in the subscription level referred to in paragraph 7 above submitted to the Annual General Meeting by the Committee,
f) To consider and decide upon any proposal for the amendment of this Constitution and Rules submitted to the Annual General Meeting by the Committee.
13.3. The Annual General Meeting shall be chaired by the President or, in his absence, by the Captain. If neither is present, those members present shall appoint a chairman for the meeting. The chairman shall regulate the order of proceedings and his/her decision on any point shall be final. In the event of the votes of a meeting being equally divided on any question, the chairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
14. Special General Meetings
14.1. The President may at any time convene a Special General Meeting of the Club of which not less than twenty-one days' notice shall be given. The notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called and no business other than that specified in the notice shall be transacted.
14.2. Special General Meetings shall be chaired by the President or, in his absence, by the Captain. If neither is present, those members present shall appoint a chairman for the meeting. The chairman shall regulate the order of proceedings and his/her decision on any point shall be final. In the event of the votes of a meeting being equally divided on any question, the chairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
15. Amendment of the Constitution and Rules
Any amendment of the Club's Constitution and Rules shall require in excess of a two thirds majority vote in favour by all those present and entitled to vote at the relevant Annual General Meeting. In the event of the votes of the meeting being divided precisely two thirds to one third, the chairman shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.
Competing for the Club
16. Members may compete under the Club's colours in any regatta or head of the river race held under the rules of British Rowing (or its successors) providing they shall first obtain the approval of the Committee or such other member or members of the Club as the Committee shall from time to time empower to sanction such applications and they comply with any conditions attached to such
17. All members competing for the Club shall pay their own personal expenses but entrance fees and other rowing expenses may be paid out of Club
R A Spiby (Hon Sec) October 2020