OS Sport Overview

Old Salopian Sport is alive, well and flourishing!
National competitions between School Alumni Clubs are some of the oldest trophies in the country, and Salopians have always been at the forefront of these. The Arthur Dunn Football Cup, the Halford Hewitt Golf Championship, The Cricketer Cup and The Barber Fives Cup are just some examples, and Shrewsbury Saracens winning the prestigious Cricketer Cup in 2012 is just one of the highlights.
Annual events are always popular, for example, the Saracens week at Kingsland and their Devon Tour, the OS Golfing Society meetings at Scotland, Birkdale, Hoylake etc; the Sabrina party at Henley, the Fives and Hunt meetings at Shrewsbury and various annual end of season dinners.
In addition, there are league fixtures and supporters' gatherings throughout the year for some sports. The OS Sports Clubs also try and give as much support to School sports as possible, both by supporting the School teams at home and away fixtures, and in some cases by helping to fund the facilities at the School.
Young Salopians are always welcome to join sports clubs and most clubs will accept new members after people have left the School. Female sports such as netball and hockey are also currently being developed as more players leave the School.