2014 - Full Co-education begins

At the beginning of the 2014 academic year, we reach another in a series of co-education ‘landmark moments’ at the School, as we celebrate having a full cohort of girls in every year group.
Headmaster Mark Turner wrote: "The move to full co-education in 2014 has been very successful. As our first ever cohort of Third Form girls now enter the Fifth Form, all three of our girls’ houses are full to capacity. Over the summer, it was good to see work begin on a year-long refurbishment of Moser’s Hall to convert it into our fourth girls’ house. We are looking forward to welcoming our first contingent of Moserite girls next September.
"It is interesting to note that with over 60 girls in the Lower Sixth and a combined total of over 120 girls in the Sixth Form, we are now the biggest independent centre for girls’ Sixth Form education in the county.
"There is a raging national debate about the exam advantages of single-sex or co-educational education. It is very good to demonstrate from our own experience that the Shrewsbury girls are performing at an exceptional level. At A2 and Pre-U level, an A*-B rate of 89% puts them on a par with some leading London selective day schools and demonstrates that they are certainly well out in front when it comes to the performance of girls in the North West. Contributing to these strong results has been a very good record of involvement and success both in mathematics and the sciences, giving the lie to any notion that ‘girls won’t do sums in a co-ed school’.
"Our brand new AstroTurf pitches have already been christened with the first of this season’s hockey training sessions. We are also very much looking forward to the official opening on 19th September by GB hockey player Simon Mantell, fresh from the Rio Olympics. As well as powering ahead in the classroom, our girls are already gathering their own sporting accolades and making a very significant contribution in supporting Shrewsbury’s great sporting heritage."