Maidment Building opened by the Prince of Wales 2001

Wednesday 21st February 2001 was a memorable day for the School.
HRH Prince Charles was starting the celebrations for the School's 450th birthday by opening the wonderful new music building.
He arrived at 3.45pm, driving through the Moss Gates, and pausing to see the Darwin Statue before leaving his car by the Science Buildings where he was received by the Chairman of the Governors, the Headmaster, the Mayor of Shrewsbury and other local officials. He then walked down the path to Kingsland Hall, being presented on the way to Erol Munir (SH), the Head of School, Simon Hunka (Ch) his Deputy and Jamie Walton) M) Captain of Music. The route to KH and back to the new Music Building was lined with boys, staff and parents and the Prince spent some time talking to as many groups as he had time for.
On arrival at the Music Building, he was presented to Ian Somerville the Bursar, Gordon Woods the Second Master, Nick Jenkins Housemaster of Oldham's, and John Moore the Director of Music. He was then greeted by a fanfare composed by Anthony Wiles (M) played by the Brass Ensemble and, on entry to the building, he received a copy of the score from Mrs Dympna Nightingale, Head of Academic Music. The architect John Pringle (Ch 1964-69), the principal contractor John Kirkland, and the Project team were presented. John Moore then escorted him around the building and in each room, he met boys and staff in the different music groups and ensembles.
Moving to the auditorium he and the invited audience of donors and friends heard the orchestra playing the First Movement of Haydn's Cello Concerto No 1 with Andrew Hughes (Ch) the soloist. After an introduction from the Chairman His Royal Highness unveiled a plaque and declared the Maidment Building open.
On leaving the building he heard another fanfare, composed by Jamie Walton, and then walked back along the lines of boys, staff and parents and finally left the school at about 6pm.
Prince Charles spoke with warmth about his visit and was delighted with the "organic" building (much to the relief of the architect)!