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Lectures to watch recommended by our Physics Faculty

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Lectures to watch recommended by our Physics Faculty

The Physics Faculty (with the help of our Lower Sixth Physics Ambassador Students) have compiled a list of excited Physics lectures and events for the month of March.

The events range from an online masterclass to CERN to climate change. Something for everyone. Simply click on the links to register for the events.

Making the Solar Orbiter – Tuesday, 16th March 17:00-18:00

The missions to explore the heliosphere and the region around the sun that is dominated by solar winds. It was launched in February 2020 and is a joint program by NASA and ESA, presented by the Cambridge Physics Centre.

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Oxford Physics Online Masterclass 2021 - Saturday 20th March 2021, 10am – 3pm

This is an online Zoom webinar aimed at L6th students.  

The day will include advice on applying to study Physics at the University of Oxford, a lecture about an area of cutting-edge physics research, an interactive problem-solving workshop and more. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and engage with the speakers through the webinar platform. If you are interested but unable to attend the live event, you can also sign up to access recordings of the event afterwards.

This is a free event.

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All About CERN  - Monday, 22nd March 19:00-20:00

CERN is the world's largest particle physics laboratory, supported by your taxes of about £1.60 per year. So, who are we, what do we do, how do we do it, and who benefits?

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Learning Physics from Ancient Microbes: Archaea and Life at Extreme Conditions – Tuesday 23rd March 19:00-20:00

“My lab specialises in developing new techniques in microscopy and applying these to understand how microbes move around and survive in the wild. I will discuss some of our fieldwork at the Great Salt Lake in Utah (USA), and in Boulby Mine in Redcar and Cleveland (UK).”

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Clouds and Climate Change – Wednesday 24th March 19:00-20:00

Presented by Prof. Tom Choularton, Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester. Cloud feedbacks are a fundamental and persistent problem in climate science and are the dominant uncertainty in assessing global and regional climate sensitivity.

The talk will begin with an overview of what is known about clouds and climate based on the 2013 IPCC 5th Assessment report. There will then be a discussion of some recent projects designed to increase our understanding and produce better treatments of clouds in Global Models.

The projects described will address issues concerning warm (liquid clouds) and mixed phase or ice clouds.

Finally, it has recently been proposed that cloud seeding can be a possible method of geoengineering to reduce the effects of increasing greenhouse gases. These ideas will be discussed.

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Lectures to watch recommended by our Physics Faculty