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Spectators on-site for Sport Fixtures

Shrewsbury School crest

Spectators on-site for Sport Fixtures

It has been both heart-warming and exciting to see competitive sports fixtures played again at Shrewsbury with three days of cricket in the balmy April weather to whet our appetite!

Behind the scenes the sports department along with other areas of the school are constantly navigating both Sports National Governing Body guidelines and the Department for Education guidance on what we can and cannot do in terms of playing competitive fixtures, hosting opposition and allowing spectators on-site. 

After these first few days of pre-season cricket and with the return of pupils onsite, we have taken the decision to pause and reflect on the good practice that has been evident as well as areas that we feel we can improve upon.

As such we will not be permitting spectators/parents on-site over the coming week for both parents of Shrewsbury School pupils and the parents of opposition schools.

We anticipate that once the school has settled back into its now ‘normal’ rhythm, with twice weekly testing of pupils and staff, that we will look to allow spectators back onto the school site in accordance with NGB and DfE guidance.

We thank you for your cooperation on this matter and as we have iterated to the pupil body, “It is everybody’s job to keep our school community safe during this COVID-19 period.

Best wishes

Andrew Pembleton, Director of Sport

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