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Sixth Former selected for Professional Female Cricket match

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Sixth Former selected for Professional Female Cricket match

This week saw Lower Sixth Former Georgia N (G) join the likes of Old Salopian Issy Wong (G, 2015-20) and Head of Girls’ Cricket Gwen Davies as she played cricket for the Central Sparks Senior Team.

Georgia was selected to play for the West Midlands professional cricketing team to go up against Western Storm at Newport Cricket Club in South Wales on Wednesday.  

Georgia said: “I was delighted when the message came through that I was playing, and I couldn’t wait to get out there. I really enjoyed the opportunity to play with a great group of girls and although we couldn’t quite get the win, it was great to be part of such a professional yet enjoyable environment.

“I feel like I worked hard in the nets over winter and I’m glad to see it paying off now. It was obviously really nice to play alongside Gwen who has put a lot of time and effort into developing me as a player, and also Issy who has only just left here herself and whose footsteps I hope to follow in the future.”


Head of Girls’ Cricket, Gwen Davies added: “It was a hugely proud moment for me to see Georgia take the field on Wednesday for the Central Sparks Senior team. But even more so to watch her bat with Issy Wong and build a great partnership that pushed the team near 200 runs.

“Georgia has kept improving since she arrived at Shrewsbury, and always takes everything in her stride. I’m looking forward to seeing what this summer has in store for her!”

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Sixth Former selected for Professional Female Cricket match