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Cricketer Cup 2021

Shrewsbury School crest

Cricketer Cup 2021

 It was a game of thin margins ....

Tom Cox (M 2000-2005), Hon Secretary of the Saracens writes on the Cricketer Cup loss to Bradfield Waifs:

I am sorry to report that our campaign ended at Bradfield, when we lost a tight game by 28 runs. It was a game of thin margins – and one that might have benefited from DRS. On the plus side, there were fine debuts from Arthur Garrett and in particular Peter Clark, who made a fine unbeaten half century which deserved to win the game – and it was great to see so many supporters there cheering the team on. Thank you to all who attended.

Pictured are Nicko Williams, President of Shrewsbury Saracens and Tom Cox, Hon Sec of Shrewsbury Saracens - two former winning Captains.

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