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Caravaggio's Life and Works

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Caravaggio's Life and Works
Events Art

Celebrate the 450th anniversary of Caravaggio’s birth .....

Dear Salopian,

I was very grateful for the support you gave Relatively Speaking at Soulton Hall in May. I now have another theatrical project in mind.

To celebrate the 450th anniversary of Caravaggio’s birth on Thursday 30th September, I have devised a “dramatised account” of his life and works: a look at his life and above all his paintings from his perspective, in his voice – with one or two dramatic episodes. And there were plenty in his short life.

I will show images of most of his great paintings, and try to show how the estate worker’s son from Cita di Caravaggio changed the course of European painting. I will also tell his story – his struggles in Rome, several imprisonments, then murder. And that’s not the end of it!

I hope the show will interest those who know little about Caravaggio and also stimulate the lover of art and its history.  7.30pm, Thursday 30th September, The Blackburn Hall, Prestfelde School, London Road, Shrewsbury. Tickets £5 (cash only) on the door.

Yours sincerely,

Robin Case

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