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Old Salopian artist Alice Hughes displays her work

Shrewsbury School crest

Old Salopian artist Alice Hughes displays her work
Old Salopians Art

Third generation Old Salopian Alice Hughes' exhibition formed part of OS Day. The Old Salopians particularly enjoyed seeing work from a recent leaver embarking on a career in design

Alice is a Surface Pattern Designer and Illustrator with a playful style and the concept of storytelling is something she frequently explores within her work. She likes to incorporate humour into her designs, drawing quirky and witty illustrations which put a smile on peoples faces. Alice is passionate about character design and her illustrations tend to be of animals with anthropomorphic qualities which really bring her prints to life. Using fun narratives and bright colour palettes her designs evoke an uplifting mood. Combining hand and digital processes is integral to Alice’s practice. Typically, her design process starts with hand-drawn, detailed fine liner drawings which then come to life when edited using Photoshop or Illustrator.  Alice also enjoys spending time in the print room screen-printing to further develop her designs. 

The exhibition will be up for another two weeks.

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Old Salopian artist Alice Hughes displays her work