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'Inclusivity' a key theme for Postors as they host Fourth Form Sports Day

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'Inclusivity' a key theme for Postors as they host Fourth Form Sports Day
Sports Fourth Form

Head of School Nick A (SH, UVI) looks back at a successful Fourth Form event organised by the Postors. 

On Sunday, January 16th, the Postors delivered a ‘Sports Day’ event for the Fourth form.

When putting together ideas back in November, we decided we wanted to carry out a project that focused on the idea of inclusion, a value which we all decided was a key aspect of our Postor team, with particular regard to gender inclusivity.  

With that in mind, we thought a sports-based event would be a good way to highlight this theme. Given that sport is such a big part of life at Shrewsbury, we wanted to emphasise the idea of genderless sport; that is, no sport belonging to any particular gender.  

To convey this, we planned six different sports sessions for the Fourth form to try, in groups of mixed gender, that were fun and active. The six different sessions were: football, lacrosse, netball, rounders, dance, and a team-based obstacle course.  

Each session was planned and led by two ‘session leader’ Postors and lasted around 25 minutes. The obstacle course appeared to be particularly entertaining; put together by Fred B (Ch) and Eve L (G), both members of the CCF, the 4th form were in groups of four. Three members were blindfolded, leaving the one leader to guide their teammates around the course - whichever group completed the course the fastest won! Attached to each of the six groups were also two ‘team leader’ Postors, who got to know the members of their team, taking part in the activities with them.  

We concluded the day with a social held in Quod. As the Fourth form had been playing sport for three hours, it was fair to say they had done a healthy amount of exercise, so it was nice for them to be able to relax with a pizza and a drink. We wanted to provide them with an informal social atmosphere, and indeed the mood mirrored this exactly (aside from Ella B’s (M) questionable choice of music!) It was a pleasant end to an enjoyable day.  

The feedback from the Fourth form, as well as housemasters and mistresses, has been extremely positive. It was a fun, active afternoon which emphasised and promoted the idea of genderless sport, an idea that will hopefully continue to be encouraged in the future.    

Nick A (SH, UVI) 

Head of School  

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'Inclusivity' a key theme for Postors as they host Fourth Form Sports Day