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Shrewsbury boys' hockey success

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Shrewsbury boys' hockey success

Our Boys' Hockey teams went up against Wrekin College last Wednesday, with some great results. 

1st XI  WON 5-0

Shrewsbury started the game quickly, dominating possession and moving the ball around with skill. In one such attack Harvey W (SH, LVI) worked himself some space in the “D” before firing a cross to a grateful Alex G (R, UVI) on the back post for a tap in. An excellent team goal that bodes well for the season ahead. The second goal was a moment of individual magic, Hugo P (O, LVI) beating the entire Wrekin defines with a mazy run and eventually burying the ball into the top corner.

Shrewsbury grafted for their next goal and lost a bit of fluency as Wrekin grew into the game. However, the defence of Peter C (SH, LVI), Ben P (O, V) and Jolyon C (Rt, UVI) were always in control and gave Shrewsbury a solid base from which to launch attacks of their own. One such move led to a short corner which was dispatched by our drag-flicking specialist Harvey. The next goal came quickly after, as Shrewsbury’s superior fitness and game management began to show, Harvey again showing good skill and strength in the opposition area before smashing it past the keeper.

Shrewsbury capped the fine team performance with a flowing move that began with a turnover from captain Harry T (S, UVI) and eventually found Hugh M (Ch, UVI) in space. His calm finish into the bottom corner took the final score to 5-0.

2nd XI WON 7-3

This was a really good team effort. Henry H (S, UVI) was as solid as ever, Harry P (Rt, III) played a blinder, ably supported by Billy H (Ch, LVI) in midfield, James M (S, UVI) was ever- threatening on the wing, and Sakunori (O, UVI) caused the Wrekin backs real headaches.

The Juniors who played were hardly out of place and were quite in the same league as the likes of Lem, Tim, and Ed. Alex C (S, IV) made some stunning saves, and was fully committed to 'owning' his 'D'.

The goals were plentiful, but the standout was a long hard fast ball from Harry outside the 23 yd line, deflected by Sakunori at the p-spot. Brilliant!

U14 WON 1-0

Following directly after the 2nd XI match, in which Harry P (Rt, III), Rob M (S, IV) and Will F (Ph, III) had played key roles, the Junior match was a less frenetic affair, and was a lesson in control and game management.  Shrewsbury were the more dominant team, and although were challenged frequently in midfield and in the last final quarter of the pitch, there was little panic in defence, notably marshalled by Eddie R-W (Ch, III) and Simon F (O, IV), and with frequent forays on the left and right wings, it was only a matter of time before Shrewsbury’s goal in the first half.

The second half was one of containment, and although Wrekin became emboldened as Shrewsbury tired, the team knuckled down to smother the attacks, with Alex C taking command of his area of responsibility admirably.

The final 1-0 score line flattered Wrekin a little, who despite their best efforts were always going to be denied by a determined Shrewsbury team.

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Shrewsbury boys' hockey success