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Top results for Shrewsbury students in national Physics competitions

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Top results for Shrewsbury students in national Physics competitions
Physics Academic

A number of Upper Sixth Physics students recently took part in the gruelling but enjoyable British Physics Olympiad Round 1.

The paper is 2 hours 40 minutes long and gives students a great opportunity to test their problem-solving skills. Impressively, all students in Shrewsbury School who sat the paper were awarded with a certificate and top performers were Michael M (S) who achieved a Top Gold award (awarded to around 50 students nationally), Godwin Y (SH) and Tom P (Ch) who both achieved a Gold award.

In addition, the entire Lower Sixth Physics cohort took part in the slightly less gruelling Senior Physics Challenge online and eight students achieved a Gold award representing the top 17% of students.

Some Fifth Formers took part in their version - the Intermediate Physics Challenge - and eighteen students achieved Gold, again representing the top 17% of students nationally.

Later in the year, Fourth Formers will take part in the Junior Physics Challenge.

Well done to all who took part!

Amy Smiter

Head of Physics 

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