Two Salopians selected for UK Microsoft Office Specialist Finals

Two Salopians competed in the UK final of the Microsoft Office Specialist Competition.
As part of Microsoft Skills Activity on Thursday afternoons, the students work towards certification in one part of Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel. When they take these exams, their scores are recorded and the top 10 in each application across the whole of the UK and Ireland are selected to take part in the UK and Ireland Championship Finals.
This is a huge achievement as there are over 15,000 students from age 13 – 22 who take each exam. I am pleased to say that this year Shrewsbury had two UK Finalists. Ekaterina V (G, LVI) in Word and Roy H (R, LVI) in PowerPoint.
On Thursday 15th June they took part in the UK and Ireland Microsoft Office Specialist Finals online to try and come first in their application and therefore win the prize of a trip to Orlando, FL, USA to represent the UK in the Microsoft Office Specialist World Championships! The exams were especially hard to test their skill and accuracy and although they both scored well, unfortunately they did not win the grand prize. It was a great experience, and they can both be very proud of their achievement.
Deputy Head (Academic) Dr Richard Kowenicki added: “Huge congratulations to Kate and Roy. To reach the pinnacle of this competition, with so many entrants, is a fantastic achievement and perhaps more importantly, they and the other Lower Sixth pupils who take part in the digital skills activity, will now be able to lead the way in the classroom and apply these skills to their learning and many other contexts.”
Henry Exham
Head of Digital Learning