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Sixth Former receives Gold CREST award for STEM project

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Sixth Former receives Gold CREST award for STEM project

A Sixth Former has been awarded a Gold CREST award for their independent practical research project which saw him undertake more than 70 hours of work.  

Jeremy G (O, UVI) investigated the optimum sugar concentration required for yeast fermentation for his CREST project, which is a nationally recognised scheme for student-led project work in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths). 

Jeremy said: “During a trip to Brazil, I observed ethanol being used as a major fuel source in transportation and its ubiquity in contrast to the UK surprised me. Upon arriving back to school I was made aware of a CREST award, a science research project, and so was keen to undertake one on the ideal conditions for ethanol production using yeast.  

“Using the facilities made available to me in the Biology faculty I was able to prove my hypothesis that increasing glucose concentration would increase the rate of ethanol production, up to a certain point. The roughly 70 hours of my work culminated in a single large document showing my whole process including initial research, planning, completing practical work and finally concluding the results of my findings.  

“I was elated when I discovered that I had been awarded a Gold certificate, the highest level for this award, as I had put a large amount of time and effort into this piece of work.” 


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Sixth Former receives Gold CREST award for STEM project