Fifth Former awarded Gold CREST Award for her ‘university standard’ project

A Fifth Former has been awarded a Gold CREST Award for her research into cryptocurrency.
Chelsey D (MSH) created a research project entitled The Risks and Rewards of Cryptocurrency through the input of professionals.
To gain a Gold CREST Award, students must complete a project that makes an original contribution to a STEM field of study and submit their findings. They are asked to hone their investigative skills and employ scientific methods to conduct their own piece of research.
Chelsey mastered how to use scientific vocabulary to draft up her hypothesis and findings, learning about the blockchain technology behind cryptocurrency.
Her project assessor said: “You have produced an exemplary project. The quality of your project documentation is of a very high standard and is both informative and well-structured, and is enhanced by the inclusion of relevant graphics.
“The project evidences a great deal of time and research into the subject matter and that learning has taken place. You have produced a project of which you can be justly proud.
“As a university lecturer I would expect this standard of work to come from a second-year student on a degree program. Well Done!”
Chelsey added: “This award has been a great experience and has taught me a lot regarding cryptocurrencies and digital transactions. I was also able to apply my knowledge on experimental processes, which was very beneficial to my learning.
"Overall, this experience has taught me resilience and has also provided me with the opportunity to interact with a variety of professionals, and I am very grateful for this award.”