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Fantastic First Lunchtime Drama Showcase

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Fantastic First Lunchtime Drama Showcase

Wednesday 4th November saw our first lunchtime drama showcase in the foyer of the Barnes Theatre.

Students from both the Upper and Lower Sixth were able to perform work to a small and socially distanced – but very enthusiastic – audience.

The programme began with Orlando W (U6) performing two pieces he is preparing for his upcoming Drama School auditions, the laddish Berowne from Love’s Labour’s Lost contrasting with the heartbroken Henry from Tom Stoppard’s The Real Thing.

Students in a lunchtime drama sessionThis was followed by HRB’s Lower Sixth Drama set performing an extract from Euripides’ The Bacchae, transposed to contemporary Bible-belt America where Dionysus (Hamish G) bore an uncanny resemblance to a famous political demagogue.

The chorus of Bacchae (Ella B, Georgina C, Charlotte H, Thea H, Ashleigh P, Amber W, Tabitha W) gave powerful and at times terrifying performances, taking unearthly delight in the dismembering of Pentheus (Dom Mc).

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Fantastic First Lunchtime Drama Showcase