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Tickets available for upcoming senior play The Seagull

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Tickets available for upcoming senior play The Seagull

Tickets are now available for this year’s senior play, Chekhov’s ‘The Seagull’, showcasing our most talented senior actors.

A beautiful young woman is desperate for fame and a way out. A young writer is pining after the woman of his dreams. A famous novelist longs for a sense of achievement. An actress wants to fight the changing of the times. In an isolated home in the countryside, dreams lie in tatters, hopes are dashed, and hearts broken. With nowhere left to turn, the only option is to turn on each other.

Performances will take place on Thursday 30th November to Saturday 2nd December at 7.30pm in the Barnes Theatre, with refreshments available from 7pm. Tickets are free and may be booked here. 

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Tickets available for upcoming senior play The Seagull