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Third Former named UK’s Number 1 Male U15 runner in 800m

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Third Former named UK’s Number 1 Male U15 runner in 800m
Sports Awards

The Shrewsbury School pupil crossed the line in 2:02.92, smashing his own PB as well as the UK U15 Male title for 800m.

Jack K (Ph, III) ran in the Spring Special Open in Nuneaton last weekend, where he beat the fastest time in the UK, which was 2:04.

Despite the lockdown earlier this year, Jake has been training intently. He has been distance running with the Hunt and more recently focussing on athletics, practicing sprints and fast endurance training, running four times a week at school with an added out of school session.


Jack said: “It felt good to win as I have been training a lot. When the race started, I felt strong and came through the first lap in 56 seconds, I knew then I was on target for a massive PB. I had done 2:11 a month earlier but knew I could do better.

“I am very happy to be number 1. I have been aiming to achieve this for a while now, but I know I’m only as good as my last race and I need to keep up the training to improve further. 

“I have qualified to be a member of the British Milers Club and over the next month I have three races with them, across the country. I want to do a good number of races to improve my experience and my times.”


Jack’s aim this year is to get under the two-minute barrier.

“I also want to qualify for the national championships and the national school’s events and win them. I want to keep improving my times over the next few years and then I am aiming to become a GB athlete and compete at the Olympic games.”

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Third Former named UK’s Number 1 Male U15 runner in 800m