Shrewsbury School named a finalist for Careers Programme in School Awards

Shrewsbury School is delighted to be named as a finalist for the second consecutive year in the Independent Schools of the Year Awards in the Student Careers Programme category.
These awards highlight the excellence of the student experience offered by the UK's independent schools and Shrewsbury has been recognised for its dedicated careers programme that is delivered by our unique Futures Department.
The Department is focussed on providing an outstanding service to pupils of all ages with careers-related planning. They offer a range of activities and events, such as enterprise conferences, assessment centre simulations, university fairs, alongside workshops and individual meetings with industry professionals, connecting with a global network of Salopians to ensure our pupils receive the best careers advice possible.
Headmaster Leo Winkley said: “For the second year running, our Futures Department has been recognised at national level for the quality and range of its advice and guidance programme. This external validation is a terrific accolade and, even more importantly, an encouragement to further extend the excellence we provide for our pupils and, indeed, children across our many partner schools in the state sector”.
Head of Futures, Chris Wain, added: “I am delighted that we have been named as a finalist for this award, following a busy and productive year of Futures based activities, both at Shrewsbury School and as part of our increasing contribution to the wider school outreach provision.
“I continue to be humbled by the incredible support we are able to access through the Salopian network, the parent body and friends of Shrewsbury School, all of whom have contributed enormously to our provision this academic year. Based on pupil feedback, we have made a deliberate switch in 2022 – 2023 to almost entirely in person events and interactions, and I am very appreciative of the significant distances many people have travelled to deliver our activities, for the benefits of our pupils and pupils from partner schools.
“We will continue to reflect and refine our work to ensure that we are offering provision that is of the highest quality, so those who access the department are well equipped to make effective decisions in the future.”
Independent Schools of the Year 2023 is an awards programme by Independent School Parent magazine. The awards are designed to showcase schools’ success stories and celebrate the extraordinary and compelling student experience they provide.
In 2020 Shrewsbury School was named Independent School of the Year, as well as receiving the award for Community Outreach in the same year.
The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on October 10th.