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Classics Students embark on historical sites of Italy

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Classics Students embark on historical sites of Italy

Over half term Classics students headed overseas to Rome and the Bay of Naples to visit major classical and historical sites.

Pupils of all ages enjoyed a jam-packed five-day trip, where they visited the Colosseum, St Peter’s and the Vatican Museums and Pompeii, to name just a few of the many historical sites on offer. 

Chloe T (MSH, UVI) and Giles H (I, LVI) reflected on the trip.

Chloe said: “The trip was an incredible opportunity to bring to life the ancient world we study, whether through Greek, Latin or Classical Civilisations. Being able to appreciate the magnitude and longevity of the Roman Empire adds a new level of appreciation to such an easily detached subject to our own lives.

“I think everything we visited added something unique to our experience. I thought that Mr Clark and Dr Harden were amazing with the information they could offer us, which was a really important part of my trip! For me, the Vatican and the Pantheon were really special.

“In both places, the hotels were brilliant and incredibly accommodating. The evening in Sorrento was a great time to just wander around and chat – this was certainly great for me in terms of getting to know people I’d never met before in a more laid-back environment.

“Mrs Pritchard was also a brilliant member of staff who was very accommodating and keen to see us tailor the trip to our interest as much as possible, as were both Mr Clark, and Dr Harden – we all appreciated this very much. I am confident that the trip was a huge success.”

Giles added: “We set off to Italy early on Saturday morning, which although leaving many people tired, ensured that we were able to appreciate Ostia Antica fully.

“The Colosseum that we visited on the next day was very interesting and exciting to see. The city and Palatine were also fun, however, there was a lot of walking in the heat of the day which I found quite tiring. The Vatican museum the next day was very impressive, as was the Villa Adriana, despite the slightly tight schedule we were on.

“The ruins at Herculaneum and Pompeii were likely the highlight of the trip. Capri and the Villa San Michelle were very pretty, and well worth the walk up the hill to reach them. The amphitheatre and the rest of Naples were impressive, as well as the archaeological museum. As a whole, the trip was really interesting and fun.”

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Classics Students embark on historical sites of Italy