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Summer race prep in Spain for J16 and Senior Rowing crews

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Summer race prep in Spain for J16 and Senior Rowing crews
Rowing Sport

In preparation for summer racing season J16 and Senior squads headed out to Spain for a week of rowing on the River Minho, Ourense.

The warmer weather and 22km stretch of river created the perfect conditions to capitalise on training. Being able to recover in the wonderful facilities of Hotel Caldaria was an equally great privilege and hugely beneficial.

The first couple days involved crew selections for National Schools' Regatta in a month’s time. We were thankful for some slightly cooler weather during the pretty brutal trail process. Once the boats were decided, the rest of camp focused on fine tuning technical aspects. By Friday afternoon the sun had come out and everyone had come on huge strides. A work hard, play hard atmosphere was surrounding the squads. Usually, training was done in two morning sessions with the afternoon left free for revision and a short evening paddle, before chilling out after dinner. Meal times were definitely a good time of the day, a chance for the whole boat club to be together and enjoy the huge selection of food provided.

By Sunday the temperatures had got up to 27°C and all crews took part in a 2km time trial. The times proved our efforts over the camp had been beneficial and pose for a very exciting summer term of racing. We were especially thankful to Christchurch College, Oxford who agreed to do some side-by-side racing with our girl’s boats, an amazing opportunity for our crews to practice lane racing. Whilst leaving the sunshine and stunning views was difficult, we return with lots of motivation and enthusiasm for the term ahead.

Kitty S-P (M, UVI) and Sebastian P (I, UVI) 

Captains of Boats

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Summer race prep in Spain for J16 and Senior Rowing crews