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OSH v RSSH v Staff

Shrewsbury School crest

OSH v RSSH v Staff
Old Salopians

The annual OSH race against the RSSH and the Staff took place on Saturday 27 November in arctic conditions.

Hardy members of the OSH team are seen above. Unfortunately despite their hardiness the RSSH won - congratulations! - and the Staff team was second. RSSH were 27 points ahead of the Staff with 87 points and the OSH with 110 points.   The race was followed by tea in the Stott pavilion where the Headmaster presented the trophies and unveiled the Hunt honours board. This was followed by the AGM and dinner in Kingsland House, where Dr David Gee was Guest of Honour in recognition of his completing 51 Tucks.

Back row: Ed Bolland, Damien Scott, Robin Brooke-Smith, Charles Tongue,Richard Hudson, Anthony Hickson, Cliff Simpkin, Peter Howells, Nigel Miller, Will Painter, Tony Power  Front row: Tim Bedell, David Thomas, Peter Birch, Ian Young

Ian Howarth (Staff) was the overall winner in 20 mins 50.3 secs, closely followed by Cal Winwood (RSSH). The first OSH runner home was Tony Power in eighth place, and Charles Tongue was our second scorer in eleventh.
Special congratulations go to Annabel Brenthall and Lucy Birt who were the first 2 girls ever to compete in and finish an OSH v RSSH race.
The official results are at the bottom of this report. They exclude approx 20 runners who were not counted as finishing as they took a wrong turning towards the end of the course - so apologies if you ran and your name is not there!
The Headmaster officially unveiled the RSSH honours board located in the Hunt Gym, in the Stott Pavilion.

Also reaching the finish line but via alternative routes were David Thomas, Tim Bedell, Damien Scott, Robin Brooke-Smith, Richard Hudson, Peter Howells, Nigel Miller, Will Painter!

Official results
1. Ian Howarth               Staff    20.50.3
2. Cal Winwood             RSSH   20.52.3
3. Pete Middleton           Staff     21.05.5
4. George Mallett           RSSH    21.18.9
5. Guy Vernon              RSSH    21.38.8
6. Aubrey Higgins          RSSH   22.08.9
7. Ed Mallett                 RSSH    22.45.1
8. Tony Power              OSH      22.52.9
9. Simon Jones              RSSH    23.20.9
10. Alun Vaughan-Jackson RSSH  23.57.8
11. Charles Tongue         OSH      24.05.5
12. Tom Cousins             RSSH   24.11.1
13. Jason Stanley            Staff    24.14.6
14. Ed Bolland                OSH     24.20.6
15. Hugh Nugent             RSSH   24.25.6
16. Toby Harvey-Scholes  RSSH 24.35.0
17. Myles Harding           Staff    24.47.4
18. Ed Spencer-Jones      RSSH  24.50.2
19. Jack Ahmed              RSSH  24.56.8
20. Ian Young                 OSH    25.20.6
21. Will Heyes                 RSSH  28.29.2
22. James Kynaston         RSSH  28.46.5
23. Nick David                 Staff    28.47.2
24. Jonathan Tau             RSSH   28.59.3
25. James Humpish          RSSH   29.37.3
26. Peter Birch                OSH     30.17.1
27. Annabel Brenthall      RSSHG  30.59.7
28. Lucy Birt                   RSSHG  31.00.1
29. Georgia Drinkwater    RSSHG  31.38.4
30. Jenny Burge              Staff      32.19.5
31. Kait Weston               Staff      32.19.5
32. Lois Davis                  RSSHG  32.24.5
33. Anthony Hickson        OSH      34.03.1

OSH return to Thames H&H Alumni race  11 December, 2010

On 11 December the OSH fielded a team in the annual Thames Hare & Hounds alumni race for the first time this century.  The race is held over an undulating and muddy 5 miles on Wimbledon Common, and attracts teams from over 20 pubic schools. 

It was a successful return with the V50 team finishing 3rd of 11 closing teams and the open team 7th of 20. Many congratulations to all taking part, shown above from left to right Anthony Hickson, Michael Johnson, David Thomas, and front row Charles Tongue and Ben Hebblethwaite. In the open competition our scoring team of Ben Hebblethwaite, Charles Tongue and David Thomas came 7th out of 20 finishers, with Ben finishing 1 place and two seconds ahead of Charles, in 17th position. In the V50 our team came in 3rd of 11 closing teams, a remarkable feat given the average age of our team was 65. Many congratulations to David Thomas and, in particular, Michael Johnson and Anthony Hickson.

Results were as follows:





Simon Wurr (Warwick)



Ben Hebblethwaite



Charles Tongue



David Thomas



Michael Johnson



Anthony Hickson


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OSH v RSSH v Staff