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OSH Day including the OSH v the RSSH Run in the Annual Meet

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OSH Day including the OSH v the RSSH Run in the Annual Meet
Old Salopians

Saturday 2nd December, 2017, will be remembered as a Great Old Salopian Hunt Day!

By 2.00pm, there were increasing numbers of people arriving on the Drum, in front of the Main School Building, which included a record crowd of spectators to cheer on our team of 18 that eventually assembled on the start line, after the now obligatory photo of ‘All Huntswomen and Huntsmen Present’, which totalled ten this year including the Huntsman, Monty Hardcastle (I, UVI), the Huntswoman, Immie Evans (G, UVI), Liv Papaioannou (EDH, 2015-16), Oscar Dickins (R 2011-16), Cal Winwood (I 2006-11), Chris Vernon-Parry (O 1982-87), Oli Mott (Rb 1998-03), Adam Booth (PH 1995-00), Olly Laws (SH 1993-98) and  Peter Birch (DB 1966-71).

We also had a line-up of Tucks Run Winners photographed which showed Toby Jones (I 1999-04), Ed Bolland (I 1981-85), Chessy Harris (EDH 2012-14), Oscar Dickins (R 2011-16), Chris Vernon-Parry, Oli Mott, Olly Laws and Liv Papaioannou.

With the excitement of dogs, children, parents, friends and staff around us, at 2.30pm we were set off by the familiar call of the Huntsman, who stood, disappointed, on the side with an injury preventing him from leading the huge Pack on through the Moss Gates and right, along Ashton Road, to disappear down to the Lower Common. Despite the heavy rains in the night, the ground was not too slippy until about half-way, where, after the supporters had cheered our progress along the path below Queen’s Terrace, we dropped down to Canonbury and found that the sharp right hand bend, into the field before the Radbrook crossing, was treacherous and caught out many, because of the combination of an adverse camber and fresh mud. Alex Morgan (G 1998-03) went over, causing a knee pain to hamper his progress at the front of the Pack. With the help of a huge team of young course marshalls and plenty of red and white tape on posts, erected by the Groundsmen, we continued on, taking in the path to the rear of the Boat Club and then along the river bank to Port Hill and the slog up Ridgemount Drive, avoiding the disruption to the tarmac by the badgers in their increasing sett, halfway along. Suddenly, a hand points with a shout and we find a short muddy climb, which brings us out behind the Cricket Centre, before we start to retrace our steps around the Astroturf pitches and up to Ashton Road again. By this time, many have entered the finishing funnel, in the shadow of the Alington Hall and some of the remainders are finding the last half-mile of this 3.5 mile (5.7 km) course, a tad testing! However, tiredness and aching limbs are relieved by the discovery that Cal Winwood has “killed”, in a surprising time of 20:31, 25 seconds ahead of Olly Laws and Alex Morgan, who bravely completed the run, despite injury.

It must be acknowledged that the Hunt’s Sam Watts (Ch, 5th Form) was hot on Alex’s heels, in 4th place, showing some of the great potential that is within the vast talent of young students. The next three positions were quickly filled by the OSH, namely Peter Middleton (Staff), Ed Charlton-Weedy (O 1999-04) and Oscar Dickins (R 2011-16), so clinching a definite team win, which is the second in two years. On examining the times, even the Hunt’s first six home finished quickly with good tactical bunching, followed by Adam Booth, Toby Jones, Will Hayward (R 2012-17), Huw Vaughan-Jackson (Ch 2005-10), John Greenwell (PH 1988-93) and James Adney (Rb 1991-96). Some of the younger students made a good show, with Chessy Harris being the first Hunt Girl home at 18th. Liv Papaioannou was chasing Jamie Davies (Ch 1984-89) of the Hunt and Ed Bolland (I 1981-85) was just 13 seconds behind. For the Old Salopian Hunt, it was an excellent turnout of strong and dedicated members, some of whom were on their debut outing for the Club. Then there is the ‘rear-guard’, who make sure everyone has returned. Our gratitude goes to the whipper-ins, namely Cliff Simpkin (Ex-staff), Richard Hudson (Staff) and Anthony Hickson (I 1949-53) for their determination in completing the course.

Another photo opportunity arose, before leaving the Drum, where four past and present Hunt Coaches were found loitering in the same place. Ian Haworth stood next to his predecessors Bob Parker, Peter Middleton and Michael Barratt.

We then went down to the Hunt Gym, in the Stott Pavilion, for tea, sandwiches and cakes and a good chat, before the presentations, where the Master-in-Charge of The Hunt, Ian Haworth, announced that Cal had won the Will Ramsbotham Trophy for his stunning kill and also that the OSH had won the David Loake Trophy (which our Captain, Oli Mott, picked up) for a convincing team win, with 24 points against the RSSH with 54 points.

By 5pm, twelve OSH Committee Members assembled in the Wright Room of Kingsland House, including the Huntsman, had toasted the memory of one-time Hon Secretary, Mark (Mort) Mortimer, before starting the AGM and discussing the progress of the Club. One proposal that was approved was the nomination of the previous Huntswoman, Liv Papaioannou, as the very first ‘Young Members Secretary’, who will use her powers to engage and encourage the younger generation of OSH Members to participate in existing and new events.

At 7.30pm, greetings were made between 15 diners for the Annual Dinner, in the Hardy Room, where we were pleased to welcome the Huntsman, Monty Hardcastle (I UVI) and the Senior Whip, Owen Mock (R UVI), along with 1st VIII Runner, Tom Hughes (Ch UVI).

In conclusion, most present on this day, young and not so young, had agreed that this had been one of the best of days, when the Old Salopian Hunt once again met with the Hunt, here at the School. Despite our win, I dare say it will be more difficult to maintain our success next year, especially when the Hunt continue to produce more of their well trained and capable runners against whom to compete.

For the complete race results, please click here.

Peter Birch, OSH Chairman

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