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Business 'Dragon's Den' Competition

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Business 'Dragon's Den' Competition
Academic News

Following the success of the remote Dragons Den held via zoom in the summer term, we decided to try a ‘live’ Dragons Den competition very much ‘not in remote’ this term!  

Our team of 20 L6th and 5th students have worked hard all term resulting in highly interesting and engaging concepts being presented to our judges this week.

My thanks go to our judges Mrs Katy Rink, owner and founder of the My Shrewsbury Magazine and Mr Giles Bell, Admissions Tutor and Philosophy and Theology teacher, for their keen interest and insightful questions at the end of every presentation.

In total we had 6 teams of students presenting their products on the large screen in the Haining Theatre.  All students felt the pressure of the Dragons scrutiny and all students coped remarkably well with highly detailed questions, managing to supply thoughtful and at times imaginative answers!

The overall winners Jamie and Charlie from Port Hill stood out due to their high-quality presentation, innovative idea and ability to withstand difficult questioning.  Their idea ‘Paperlite’ is a stylus projector compatible with surfaces and other tablets.  A believable, yet technologically advanced this space!!

Big congratulations to all those who took part for their creativity, determination and boldness.  Certainly planning, teamwork and presentation skills were key with this activity.

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Business 'Dragon's Den' Competition