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Sir Martin Gilbert History Prize, Bloomsbury Publishing & The Churchill Archive

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Sir Martin Gilbert History Prize, Bloomsbury Publishing & The Churchill Archive
Academic News

Many congratulations to Sophie Thomas (UVI, MSH) for being awarded one of only ten highly commended awards for the Sir Martin Gilbert History Prize.

Sophie worked in collaboration with Bloomsbury Publishing and the Winston Churchill Archive to produce a really impressive analysis regarding the origins of the so-called 'Special Relationship' between Britain and the USA. Sophie completed the work independently beyond the scope of her History syllabus and deserves commendation for enriching her experience of the classroom in her vital Upper Sixth year. Sophie's reflections on the competition can be found below...

Student Write-Up - Sophie Thomas (UVI, MSH) 

I found this essay prize a great opportunity to improve my ability to engage with sources and am grateful for the guidance provided by Mr Mackridge. My essay title was,‘How far was the 'Special Relationship' with the USA created by Winston Churchill?In forming my debate, I was given access to the Churchill archives in which I selected several sources to substantiate my judgment. After critically evaluating the source’s reliability and reading material beyond the classroom, I came to the conclusion that Churchill's influence has been exaggerated for this relationship was a consequence of cultural, moral and political ties that were already embedded pre-WWII: as a result of American independence. This competition has given me invaluable experience in source analysis and extended research as I begin my 4000-word Personal Investigation as part of my History Pre-U Qualification. 

Harry Mackridge

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Sir Martin Gilbert History Prize, Bloomsbury Publishing & The Churchill Archive