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Teaching & Learning Week - 'Let's Talk: Promoting Effective Communication In The Classroom'

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Teaching & Learning Week - 'Let's Talk: Promoting Effective Communication In The Classroom'
Academic News

There has been a hive of activity in the Shrewsbury classroom this week during our designated 'Teaching & Learning Week'.

Whilst every week is devoted to teaching & learning, this week has challenged teachers and pupils to place a distinct and deliberate emphasis on the power of communication in the classroom.

Under the umbrella title 'Let's Talk', each day has had a distinct pedagogical focus across the curriculum and age range. Monday witnessed a range of collaborative tasks put in place to get things underway, Tuesday's emphasis was on discussion beyond the syllabus, Wednesday challenged our pupils to take the lead in presenting material, Thursday witnessed a range of formal and informal class debates whilst Friday's plenary emphasised the power of active listening.

The range of activity and engagement has been superb - showcasing the range of teaching & learning activities that can be successfully used to enhance that vital academic and 'life' skill of communication in and beyond the classroom. Watch this space next week for pupil reflections regarding how they got on!

Harry Mackridge

Head of Academic Innovation

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